Page 25 of His to Take

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"Please," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Just leave me alone."

Ajax stood silently for a moment, watching Dylan's tear-streaked face. Then, without a word, he turned and walked away. "I'm going to make some calls."

The sound of his footsteps retreated, the hotel room door opening and closing with a quiet click. The lock slid into place, sealing Dylan inside their temporary sanctuary, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

As he sat there, Dylan was consumed by a whirlwind of misery, heartbreak, and anger. Memories of Kai swirled through his mind – his infectious laughter, his unwavering kindness, and the way his smile seemed to brighten even the darkest of days.

It felt like a cruel joke, a twisted farce that someone as vibrant and good-hearted as Kai could be snuffed out so easily.

And that fucking bastard Logan was responsible.

Rage simmered beneath Dylan's skin, a molten fury that threatened to consume him whole. He clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms as he imagined the satisfaction of seeing Logan pay for what he'd done.

But there was one obstacle standing between him and vengeance – Ajax.

As much as they had grown strangely close, Dylan knew that Ajax's loyalty was always going to be to the Thorne family.

And through it, to Logan.

Dylan couldn't rely on anyone else. If he wanted justice, he would have to take matters into his own hands.

"Fuck you, asshole," Dylan whispered to himself, steeling his resolve. "I won't let you get away with this."

And with that, Dylan knew there was no turning back. He would make certain that Logan paid for his crimes – and Ajax be damned if he tried to stop him.

First step: escape.

With each step Dylan took toward the locked briefcase, his fury burned hotter, honing his thoughts into a singular purpose. Vengeance coursed through his veins as he crouched down beside the case.

Dylan tried the same number from before, but it didn't work. Ajax had changed the combination.

But that wasn't going to help him. Yeah, Ajax really did have no idea how Dylan had opened it the first time. He'd believed that whole 'lucky guess' lie.

It took Dylan every ounce of control to keep his hands from shaking. His fingers worked deftly on the lock, slowly rolling each digit with a smoothness that belied the turmoil within him.

Every click of the tumblers brought him closer to the inevitable confrontation, and he welcomed it. He wanted it. He needed it.

The lock finally sprang open, and Dylan's heart leapt into his throat. The briefcase yawned open, revealing its deadly treasure: Ajax's sleek black gun. It seemed to gleam with promise in the dim light, waiting for him.

With trembling hands, Dylan reached for the weapon, feeling its cold weight settle in his palm like a final, unbreakable oath.

"Justice is coming for you, asshole," he vowed, tucking the gun securely into his belt. His resolve cemented, Dylan turned his attention to the locked door.

Ajax had left, but there was no way to be sure when he'd return – and Dylan couldn't risk being caught now, not after coming so far.

His gaze slid over to the balcony door. He headed out, and looked over at the neighboring terrace just a stone's throw away.

A daring idea sparked within him, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through his bloodstream.

This was either going to be very brave, orreally fucking stupid.

He measured the distance between the balconies, steeling himself for the leap.

One chance. No turning back.

Dylan drew a deep breath, his heart pounding against his ribs like a wild animal desperate to escape its cage. He pulled himself up onto the railing, not letting himself look down.

And then, with a roar of pure determination, he leaped.
