Page 26 of His to Take

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The wind whipped through his hair as he soared across the gap, his body suspended for a breathtaking moment in midair.

Then the neighboring balcony rushed up to meet him, and Dylan's fingers scrabbled for purchase against the railing, his legs kicking wildly as he struggled to keep himself from plummeting into the abyss below.

"Fuck," he gasped, hauling himself onto the solid ground of the next balcony. The adrenaline coursing through him left him feeling invincible, untouchable – and more alive than he'd ever felt in his life.

All that stood between him and justice was a flimsy glass door. With a sudden ferocity, he forced it open, his entrance startling a couple tangled in the sheets of their bed.

"Stay put!" he snapped, his voice harsh and unforgiving. Though their screams echoed in his ears, they meant nothing to him – he had a mission to accomplish. Ignoring their terror, he raced out of their room and into the hotel hallway.

His sneakers scuffed against the plush carpet as he tore through the corridor, making a beeline for the stairwell. The gun tucked securely in his pocket felt like a dark promise, a deadly weapon that would ensure justice for Kai.

He leapt down the stairs, taking multiple steps at a time, his movements fueled by a mix of desperation and rage. The pounding of his heart echoed in his ears like a war drum.

The world may have dismissed Kai's death as unimportant, but Dylan refused to let it go unanswered. He would see justice served, no matter the cost.

As Dylan burst through the stairwell door, his thoughts were consumed by a single objective: find Logan, and make him pay.

Chapter thirteen

Ajax stood with his back against the cold wall outside the hotel. He pulled out his phone and dialed Colt's number.

"Is it true?" Ajax asked when it connected, his voice gravelly. "Marsh's kid?"

"Logan Marsh," Colt confirmed, irritation lacing his tone. "Woke me up at 3am yesterday demanding we fix his mess."

Ajax clenched his jaw, anger simmering beneath his stoic facade. "It was murder, then?"

"Yeah. Playing it off as a suicide was the best option on short notice." Colt sighed on the other end of the line, the sound heavy with exhaustion and frustration. "Can't stand that prick," he grumbled. "Got better things to do than paying people off to cover up some random civvie."

"His name was Kai," Ajax interjected sharply, unwilling to let the boy remain nameless in death.

There was a pause on the line. When Colt spoke again, his voice had softened. "Right. Kai. Listen, Ajax, there's somethingreally twisted about Marsh Junior, and that's coming from someone in our line of work. Your whole babysitting thing, this clean-up here… This little fuck is causing a lot of problems."

Ajax's fingers tightened around the phone, memories of Dylan's grief-stricken face seared into his mind. Cold fury coursed through him, but he kept his voice steady as he continued the conversation. The weight of their duty, the power they held, and the lives they could crush – it all hung heavily on Ajax's broad shoulders. But sometimes, even the most loyal soldier questioned the orders he was given.

"He had a sister."

"Yeah, I know." There was a savage burr in Colt's voice.

"Make sure she's taken care of," Ajax said gruffly, the memory of hurt in Dylan's eyes weighing heavily on him.

Colt hesitated for a moment, but decided not to pry. "I'll make it happen, man," he promised, respecting whatever was going on with his friend.

"Thanks." Ajax rubbed his hand over his stubble, releasing a quiet sigh.

"How's the babysitting situation?" Colt asked, changing the subject. "You keeping him quiet?"

A wry smile crossed Ajax's lips at that. "As quiet as he can be."

"From what I heard from Dante, nothing on earth could keep that boy quiet."

"Tell me about it." Ajax chuckled, feeling a little lighter as he thought of Dylan's sharp tongue and quick wit. "Boss pitched this as a vacation, but, shit, I'll need another damn vacation after this is over."

"Been there," Colt laughed, camaraderie filling the air between them. "Listen, I'll keep you in the loop. Good luck with the firecracker."

"Thanks, I'll need it," Ajax said before ending the call.

With the phone still in his hand, Ajax took a deep breath, his thoughts consumed by the injustice surrounding Kai's death.

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