Page 55 of Syndicate Mayhem

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An older looking nurse popped up from her chair, touched the door, and whispered out some rune words. The door automatically fixed itself, looking almost new. “Don’t worry, sweety. All werewolf daddies ruin this door at least once in the nine months.” She patted his arms, and he sheepishly trudged up beside me.

We all moved into the room, and although Cosmo said they cleared it out, the six of us barely fit with the x-ray tech. She instructed Rayla to lay down, all of us circling around her from head to toe, all facing toward the screen. The woman told her to pull her shirt up, and not to be surprised by the cold jelly that was being squirted onto her.

“Don't worry about it. I run cold,” Rayla joked, trying to keep it light as always, but her eyes kept drifting to the screen next to her, and I had a feeling that was the opposite of what she was feeling on the inside.

I don't know why, but I felt this pull coming from the bond, letting me know that she needed me right now. I slid my hand into hers closest to me, her eyes snapped to mine. “Everything is going to be fine. We’re here with you.”

Her eyes widened, mouth dropped open, when I heard a squirt. “Shit! You're not wrong.” Rayla’s attention swiveled to the tech, who gave her a small smile before she took that wand and started to make circles on her belly. I expected Rayla to pull away, but my heart squeezed when her hand tightened on mine, not letting me go for a second.

“I just see a black blob . . . is that supposed to happen?”

I was trying hard not to bark out how idiotic Ax was when Rayla laughed nervously. “I mean . . . is he wrong? I don't see anything?” Even with her body strength being taken by the baby, she gripped my hand so hard I thought it was going to break.

Cosmo combed his fingers through her hair, leaning down toward her ear. “It might take a second. Just wait. All good things come to those that wait.”

Lex huffed, rubbing circles on the arm of the hand I was holding, “For once, my rose, listen to your brother. I finally agree with him.” The ultrasound tech’s head snapped up, looking between Cosmo and Rayla, but not saying anything.

Cosmo glared at Lex, his whole face saying there would be retribution, but since Rayla’s eyes were glued to the screen, mumbling at Lex to calm down, Cosmo let the jab go. For now.

Avery had his hand on her thigh, not able to tear his gaze away from the screen as Ax’s hand rested on her ankle while he squinted like he could see it better that way.

Each of us touched her, connected with her in support.

I heard it before I saw anything. The steady thump of a rapid heartbeat.

“There’s your baby’s heartbeat. Strong and healthy.”

The moment I heard that steady melody of our baby’s heart, my whole world changed. My mind and emotions collided, having not only proof but this overwhelming feeling to make sure thatheart beat went on forever. It was real. This baby was real and here. Right in her belly, growing and making sounds on its own. My baby. Her baby. Their baby. Our baby.

It made me want to buy a chemistry and mechanical set.They make those for babies, right?

“Shit. I think my heart just grew.” No one commented on Ax’s words as, for once, we were all one in the same. No one left behind or felt any different. All six of us were stunned and in awe of that little pea inside of my mate.

“They are going to rule the world.” Her words were not only a breathless promise but a vow to this little baby that we would do anything for them. All of us men looked at each other, nodding in silence as we all made our own silent agreement. This baby was ours and would want for nothing.

Chapter 4

I’m so excited tobe going home to see my glowing rose and the little demon…I yanked my phone out of my pocket and tapped on the baby app I downloaded as soon as we knew she was pregnant. It was specially tailored to supernatural's and would tell me all I needed to know about our little vampire and the stages of their growth.

Tapping on the child number one tab, it listed out all the current facts. The baby was marked as a vampire, and we were at sixteen weeks of pregnancy, which means that it was the size of an . . . avocado. It's a little demon avocado!

Clutching my phone, I ran into the house, ignoring the guards outside the compound. They knew the deal, if they didn't botherme, I wouldn't cut them for getting in my way. Most of them looked away when I came around, mumbling their welcomes to boss Devil. I still haven’t gotten used to that, and I probably never will. I really only wanted Rayla, being any sort of ambitious to get her attention, but now that she was my mate, my wife, and now my baby mama . . . well there was really no going back for her now, was there. That made my heart giddy.

I trapped her fair and square!

Sure. There were a couple others that were in the mix, but it was all good. She needed them, and I was finding them to be a lot less annoying these days. In fact, they were kinda fun to play with. Who knew Falcon had a sneaky, vengeful side! And Avery had started to agree with me half the time, while Cosmo mainly ignored me until I started to agree with him half the time, and Ax . . . well that fucker was the funniest little shit to play with. He getssomad aboutsomuch.

Shadowing my way up the stairs and into our joint room, I found my rose with her little cute baby bump wobbling on a chair as she tried to reach at the top of the weapons shelf. I noticed she was desperately trying to grab at her favorite gun, the one that mimicked Falcon’s magic bullet gun with a few custom modifications.

Last week, we had decided to put it up there with a barrier around it because as soon as that sucker was in her hands, she went wild. She got drunk off power, shooting at anything that moved, and rode magical circles like she was surfing drunk. The gun was dangerous in her hands normally, but pregnant Rayla was a chaotic menace, threatening ice cream clerks to split their body in half unless they hand picked out the blood filled bunnytracks in one ice cream and manually added them to the green mint chocolate one. That day, even I thought she’d gone a little cuckoo.

Leaning against the doorway, I smiled, crossing my ankles as I watched her curse and try to get on her tippy toes. “Whatcha doing, my rose? You know that's a no-no toy.”

I must’ve spooked her because she gasped, hands lifted as she backed up one foot on the stool she was standing on. In slow motion, I could see her toe not hit the edge like she was counting on, and she began to pinwheel her arms as she was falling backwards. I shadowed my way over to her, and I caught my rose easily as she grumbled about her damn annoying mates making her a bubble girl.

Snuggling my nose into the crook of her neck, I took a long, deep sniff, sucking down that sugary, floral scent that set my heart at ease but my blood pumping. “Oh, my rose, if you only knew my deep seeded desires to keep you all to myself . . . I think you would hate me.”

She stopped squirming around, clapping both her hands on my face as she placed her forehead on mine. Her golden pink orbs swirling with determination. “Let's get one thing straight, I already have an idea of what's in your head, and it doesn't scare me. In fact, it excites me.” She licked her lips, looking at mine with hunger. “One, I’ll just escape whatever you try to cage me in, and two, you like me out in the world, causing trouble. That's your second favorite word.”
