Page 7 of Hot Mess Momma

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“Savannah was such a brave girl getting her cast on. As soon as she saw her mom walk into the room, you could see the relief in her eyes, as if her mom would make it all better. It shocked me when we were getting ready to leave that she asked if I would carry her to the car. I can't even describe what that felt like, except it felt right. Before I came to work, I spoke to Alyssa this morning, and she said they were doing okay. I don’t know how you guys do it all on your own and if I didn’t say it enough, thank you, mom, for everything that you did for me. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today.” It’s true I wouldn’t be the man I am today without her guidance.

I watch as mom wipes a tear from her eyes. “You don’t have to thank me, Evan. I would do it all over again if I had to. It felt right because you were always meant to find your way to them. Now I better get going, as I only stopped by to see how they were doing. I brought a little gift for Savannah, and you tell Alyssa I will stop by tomorrow to drop off some food that I’m preparing for them so she can rest with her baby girl.” I smile at mom knowing she was going to do something like this. Once she likes you, she takes you in as if you're one of her own. I watch as she produces a massive-sized gift basket, almost taking over my table in my office. I didn't even see her walk in with it.

I can’t help but laugh because she said a little gift, but I should have known better. “Mom, I thought you said a little gift that’s the size of my coffee table.”

She waves her hand in the air, dismissing me yet again. “It’s just a few things I thought she would like. Now I want you to ask Alyssa if she would like to come to dinner at my house for Sunday dinner. I'll see you later. Love you, son.”

The whirlwind that is my mom is out the door before I can say anything back, making me chuckle. “Love you too, mom,” I say into the quiet of my office.

I check the time and see that my meeting is going to start in ten minutes. I down the last of my now cold coffee, gather my files and head to the conference room. Hoping that this meeting doesn't drag on because I'm eager to see my girls sooner rather than later. Screw anything else that comes up. Work can wait.

I don’t think I paid much attention to this meeting. Every time someone asked me a question, I would be zoned out, which has never happened to me before. I’ve always been hyper-focused on work. I would work 12-hour days, sometimes 16, working myself to the bone, go home and do it all over again the next day. Never being one to sleep around with a parade of women because the ones in my circle only saw the dollar signs and what I can give them. So I threw all my focus into my company. Now that I’ve met Alyssa, I know that’s all going to change. Even after a short amount of time, I know I won't be working so many hours just so I'm able to spend more time with them. I watch as my employees walk out the door, giving me strange looks because I was distracted the whole meeting. Normally I'm engaging in conversation with them, making sure everything is running smoothly and there aren't any fires I need to put out. I rush out of the conference room right behind them, practically running back to my office to gather my things so I can leave. Grabbing my stuff, including my mom's gift for Savannah, and lock up my office door. I head to the elevator, which seems to take forever, and head down to my car, not stopping to talk to anyone. The anticipation of seeing them again is running high.

Reaching my car, I place the gift in the back and start it up, pulling out of the parking garage and heading for Alyssa’s house. I know I told her I would be there later, but I can't seem to stay away. I just hope she doesn't mind that I'm showing up now. Since I told her I would pick up dinner, I’ll just have it ordered in instead. I make it to her house in record time, with minimal traffic in my way. I pull into her driveway behind her car and shut off the engine, blowing out a breath, suddenly nervous. Opening my door and get out, grabbing mom's gift from the back seat and making my way up to the door and lightly knocking just in case Savannah is still sleeping.

I can hear feet approaching the door before it's opened by Alyssa, who graces me with a beautiful smile. “Evan.” She whispers out. God, she’s so fucking beautiful she takes my breath away.

I lean down and give her a light kiss on the lips. Her lips are so soft that I never want to stop kissing her. “Hi, Angel. I know I said I would be by later, but I couldn't seem to stay away. I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s more than okay.” Her voice is breathless. I can see the heat running through her eyes, telling me she’s just as affected by me as I am with her. She steps back, letting me come in, shutting and locking the door back up before motioning me towards the kitchen. I place the gift on the island and can see Alyssa eyeing it because it’s that big.

“This is from mom. She wanted to do something for Savannah since she got hurt. She told me to tell you she will drop by later with some food that she’s cooked for you guys, so you can rest with Savannah. Also, she asked if you would come to Sunday dinner at her house.” I can see she’s getting overwhelmed by all this. The emotions that are swimming in her eyes tell me she hasn’t had many people do nice things for her, but that’s all about to change because I plan to hand her the world.

I watch a lone tear slide down her face as I gently wipe it away. “Why are you crying? Did I say something to upset you?” I gather her up in my arms and just hold her. I can feel a few more tears wet my shirt.

She pulls back, looking up at me, still staying in my arms. “You did nothing wrong, Evan. Besides my best friends, Tessa and Mia, I've had no one do anything like this for me. I'm just happy, Evan, so happy, and I would love to go to your mom’s for Sunday dinner.”

I place another kiss on her lips because I can't seem to help myself. “That's all I ever want is you two to be happy. You guys deserve the world, and I plan on giving it to you. Anything you want, all you have to do is tell me.”

“I only need you, Evan. The material things don't matter to me.” She gets a shy smile on her face.

I want to ask about Savannah’s dad and why she's had no one do anything for her before, but I don't want to push her to talk about it if she's not ready. She must see the questions in my eyes. She blows out a breath. “You want to know about Savannah’s dad and why he's not in her life?”

I push her hair behind her ear, giving her a soft smile and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “You don't have to tell me right now if you're not ready; I don't want to push you.”

She grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. “It's okay, Evan, I want to tell you. Why don't I make us a coffee, and we can talk in the dining room?” She walks away, making us a coffee, and her smile is shaky, and I don't like it one fucking bit. Whatever happened still hurts her to this day, and if I can take that pain from her, I would. I take a seat in the dining room chair, and I can see her hands slightly shaking as she walks over, placing a coffee mug in front of me. She takes the seat across from me, and I can see so many emotions cross her face. She's fiddling with her cup and I grab her hand in mine and lend her my strength, letting her know I'm right there for her always.


I tucked my kids in bed and said, “I'll see you in the morning!” Then we laughed and laughed, and we saw each other 16 more times before sunrise.

Iknewthisconversationwas going to come up eventually, and if he was going to be in my life, then he has a right to know. One more time, I look over to Savannah to make sure she is still asleep before blowing out a breath and letting it out slowly, ready to tell Evan my story.

“Curtis and I weren't together long when I found out I was pregnant. When I told him, he told me to get an abortion, but I told him no. For a little while, everything was okay. He bought a few baby things. I was scared, but excited. Every little movement from my baby was such an amazing experience. Things changed when I hit six months pregnant. He stopped coming around and not answering my messages or calls. I could tell something wasn't right when he showed up. He kept looking at my belly with a frown, and I knew, just knew, that would be the last I saw of him. He asked me if I would marry him, and I was taken aback by it. I mean, we didn’t love each other, and just because we had a baby on the way didn’t mean I was going to marry him. Anyway, after I told him no, I can’t, he got back into his car and never looked back. I watched until I couldn't see his headlights anymore before going inside. I knew he didn't want to marry me either; it wasn't even a proposal, just a half-assed question. Even though I knew that would be the last I saw of him, I still tried to reach out, wanting to give him the option to still be in our baby's life. I even sent pictures. All I got was he couldn't do it and nothing ever again after that. The day he walked away was the only day I gave myself to be angry because I didn’t have the luxury of time. It wasn't easy, but I did what I had to do to make sure Savannah had everything she needed, even if I went without. I don’t hate Curtis; I never did. How can I hate the person who helped create my baby?”

Looking up into Evan’s eyes, I don’t see pity but anger, and I know it isn’t directed at me but what was done. “I'm so sorry you had to do this alone, Angel. Your strength is awe-inspiring. You have raised such an amazing little girl.”

He places kisses on the back of my hand that he’s holding. “Thank you, Evan.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, but has Savannah asked about him yet?”

“She has, and that was one conversation I dreaded, but I knew it was going to come eventually, and it was the one and only lie I told her. No child should know that their parent didn’t want them. I wanted to protect her as much as I could, so I told her he had to leave the country and couldn't come back. She hasn't asked since then. I also didn't want to be that person who talked bad about them either, so I made him out to be someone better. Some people don’t understand why I did it, and that’s okay. They don’t have to understand my life choices. To me, all that matters is that my baby is happy and healthy as it should be.” I watch as Evan gets up from his chair, coming over to mine and lifting me in his arms, sitting in my seat just holding me. I let out a little sigh of contentment and just let him hold me. This is the most amazing feeling I have ever had.

He places kisses on my head and pulls back, looking at me. “You are a better person than I am. It’s not an easy situation that you were in, but you did the right thing. Alyssa are a strong, beautiful, amazing mom, and your baby girl is so precious. You are raising her right, momma.” He bends his head, and I meet him the rest of the way, sealing our lips together in a passionate kiss that takes my breath away. It's not rushed. He is taking his time right now. It is just the two of us at this moment. He swipes his tongue on my bottom lip, and I open up for him, and he takes control once I do, growling low in his chest that sends tingles down my spine. Evan slows down the kiss, the both of us breathing heavily.

He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, looking at me with such a tender look on his face that it brings my emotions to the front. “Your so fucking beautiful, Alyssa. I know you are scared, but that is one thing you never have to be with me. I will always be there for you and Savannah. That little girl has already stolen my heart, just like her momma, and there is nothing in this world that could keep me from the both of you.” He places my hands on his heart, and I can feel it beating just as hard as mine. “This is yours and has been the moment I laid eyes on you in mom’s office. I won’t rush you; I will wait a lifetime for you.”

A tear slides down my face at his words. This is what I always wanted: someone who sees me, a hot mess and all. Who’s willing to take on not just me but my baby girl and love her just as much as I do. I take his hands in mine and do what he did, placing them right over my heart. “Evan, you don't have to wait a lifetime for me to be ready. I want this just as much as you do, and I don’t want to hold anything back. As crazy as it sounds and how fast this is moving, I know down to my soul that this is right. Everything that happens in our lives happens for a reason, and I know everything that in my life has led up to finding that job, to finding you.” I whisper out and watch as he has to swallow a few times, his eyes glassy, not afraid to let his emotions show.
