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Chapter 1

“May you be strengthened by yesterday's rain, Walk straight in tomorrow's wind, and cherish each moment of the sun today.” Ojibwe Prayer

I've been sitting here for the better part of an hour. Looking off into the distance, watching the sunrise reflecting off the lake. Sleep has eluded me, yet again. I feel something coming, but can't figure out what it is, and it's been driving my wolf crazy. He's been pacing back and forth this last week. I don't like this feeling. My defenses are up. Being the Alpha of my pack, I can't have any distractions like this. I’m always worried about what needs to be done. My job is never ending. Is someone coming after us, trying to take our territory? I don’t believe it’s a direct threat to the pack; this is something personal, something that has to do with me.

I've been the Alpha of the Nimkii pack for a few years now, after my father's passing. The weight of everything now lands on my shoulders. We haven’t had many problems since we all came out of hiding. Everyone is willing to accept who we are as something other. That doesn't mean when we started down this path, we didn't have our fair share of assholes. Once they saw the backing we had within our community and the outside, theybacked off pretty quickly, not willing to get into it with us. Trust me, that is one war they wouldn’t have won.

We own a few businesses, but our primary source of income comes from Nimkii Construction. We've gone into a somewhat partnership with my best friend, Xander. His company buys the properties, and we fix them up. We've even gone into building houses for those who can't afford a place to stay. Everyone deserves a second chance at life, and if we can help, we will. My father always instilled in us to give back to our community, and I make sure I carry that on.

We still carry on many of our Ojibwe traditions. Hunting and fishing, but only what we really need. Our traditional dancing, drumming along with singing. We love to let loose and have a good time. I haven’t been to a Pow Wow in years, and I miss coming together with others. It's an expression of song, dance, and art which brings people together. Through the drum, it reminds us of our connection to Mother Earth. It’s why my pack comes together on the weekends to make sure we don’t lose what we were taught. We have a big cookout, dancing, singing, and drumming.

My Nookomis makes sure we all follow traditions and don't lose our path in life. Besides, she can be a little scary when she wants to be; you never cross your grandma. She has the site and can see and feel things most people can't. Nookomis may offer you advice, but will never tell you what she sees. She thinks it may change our course in life if we were to know. Trust me, I asked, practically begging her to explain why I felt this way. She just smiled, patted my arm, and walked away.

Today is the annual mate gathering party. Every supernatural being comes out hoping to find their mate. Tonight is Xander’s turn to be the host. Maybe that's what has me on edge, the anticipation of perhaps finding my one and only. A few years ago, I thought I caught a scent in town that almost brought meto my knees. When I went to track it, it was like it had never been there, almost like a figment of my imagination. Most of my pack is already mated. You get only one in life, and they become your entire world. You live and breathe for them and would do anything to make sure they are happy.

At 35 years old, I can't wait to find mine. I want the kind of love my parents and grandparents had. All-consuming that buries itself so deep in you. After mom died years ago, dad lost himself, but being the Alpha of our pack, it kept him somewhat grounded. I could see the pain he was in daily and knew he wanted to be with mom again. He eventually died of a broken heart. My mate could be human or supernatural. She will turn into a wolf as well, as I bite her and claim her as mine. There's a slight possibility she might reject me, never to love me. That shit is what I fear the most; it’s a deep-rooted fear. I've seen it happen before, and it devastates you; you'll never be the same. Most go rogue, never wanting to be around others, as it’s too painful to watch everyone so in love.

Scrubbing my hands down my face in frustration at my thoughts, I feel the scruff coming in. I'm starting to sound like a whiny bitch instead of the badass Alpha I am. Maybe it's the lack of sleep or the fact I haven't even had coffee yet that’s making me think these thoughts. Speaking of coffee, a cup is placed in my hands. My Nookomis comes around and sits down in the chair beside mine, giving me a warm smile.

Taking a few sips, I let the much-needed caffeine run through me. “Miigwech, I needed this.”

She just smiles at me with so much love in her eyes. “I know you did. That’s why I brought you one. I guess you couldn't sleep again, Azriel?”

Again, I don't need to answer her because she already knows the answers. She may be only 4 foot 11 but still scary as hell, so I do it anyway. “Ya, it's the same dream that's keeping me up.I know something is coming, but I can't see it. It's even got my wolf going crazy.” She pats my arm again with her secret smile.

“GiiGii, everything will reveal itself very soon. Just have patience. And no, before you even ask again, I won't tell you what it is. The party is tonight, isn't it?” Groaning at the name, she just called me “little one” as if I'm still that small boy. To her, I still am, even though I now tower over her slight frame. Again she's got that smile once she said the party, which makes me sit up straighter and look at her. Her eyes are sparkling in glee as if she finds this whole situation funny. Maybe tonight I'll find my mate, and that's what she's been hinting at.

“Do you think...” Before I can even finish my sentence, she's up and out of her seat, walking back towards the house.

“Breakfast will be ready soon. Make sure you come in and eat.” She walks away without a backward glance, making me laugh and shake my head.

Walking inside Xander’s home, I see the decorators have gone all out for this. Balloons, streamers, pink and red roses everywhere. Xander probably told them they have full control without bothering to see what they have done. It’s like a pink bomb went off in here and not the dark colors it usually is, especially with today being Valentine’s Day. I tug on my tie, hating that I’m in a monkey suit. I much rather be in jeans and work boots, but I’m sure Nookomis would have skinned me alive if I showed up dressed like that.

Walking towards his office, I open the door as if it’s my house. “Well, if it isn’t my brother from another supernatural mother. How’s it going, Xander?” I’ve been saving that one up for a while now. He just shakes his head at me, used to my crazy side. We’ve been best friends since he came to live here. Sitting down in the chair across from his desk, he hands me a drink.

“How long have you had that one stored for Az? And to answer your questions, I’ve been feeling off all day. What’s going on with you?”

Now that I look at him, huh, he does seem off to me. “Same, my wolf is going crazy lately. We know something is coming, and it’s setting him off. And, of course, Nookomis won’t tell me anything. She just gives me that smile and tells me everything will reveal itself soon.” I shrug my shoulders because there’s not much else I can do. Is it annoying that I have no fucking clue what’s coming? Sure it is, but I’ll wait and be ready for anything.

He nods his head, smiling; he knows exactly how she can be. Hell, she has done it to him as well. “I guess we will have to wait and see, brother. So how’s the new project coming along? Do you think we will make the deadline for the new hotel?”

I just shake my head at his question. My brother needs to learn the meaning of relaxing. “You know, once in a while, it’s okay to take a break and not talk about work.”

I wait him out, trying to get him to break. Sometimes fucking with him is my favorite part of my day. Maybe when he finds his mate, she will get him to let loose a little. I just shake my head at him. He never takes a damn break. I don’t know how often I’ve told him to take a vacation and just relax, but I don’t think it’s in his DNA. “Unless we run into some major problems, I don’t see why we won’t be done on time. We just finished the last few houses, so I should have extra men on this one by next week.”

I stop what I was going to say and take a big sniff. I can feel my wolf rise to the surface. No doubt my eyes are golden in color right now. He’s going nuts right now, wanting to be out hunting down the source of that smell. “Fuck, do you smell that?” I can identify the scent of green apples and something else. It’s the same damn smell I smelled in town a while ago, but lost. My mate was in my grasp before, and I’ll make damn sure I don’t lose her a second time. Taking another sniff, my body freezes,my cock hardens to the point of pain, and the smell hits me yet again. “Mate,” I growl out, more animal than man right now.

My sole focus right now is to find her and make her mine. Nothing else matters right now, and if someone stands in my way of making her mine, I will tear them limb from limb. Consequences be damned. I try to rein in my wolf, but there’s no stopping him now. Rushing out the door, I hardly pay attention to Xander following me out. Once I hit the stairs, I practically fly down them in my haste to get to her. The need to make sure she is safe from harm is riding me hard. I take another sniff and scan the party, which is in full swing.

My eyes finally land on my mate, making me suck in a breath. She’s wearing a long black silk dress, and she’s fucking beautiful. Maybe I’ll start calling her GiiGii. She's short at 5 foot nothing. I will tower over her with my 6' 5 frame. Green eyes that glow, and with pink hair that’s up right now in an intricate bun. Her smile lights up her entire face. She's standing with a friend whispering in her ear and I watch as she walks away, going towards the bar area. My eyes don’t leave her as I track her every move, so I don’t lose her in the crowd. I can see she’s turning every head in here, making me growl at them for daring to look at my mate like that. I pass by one guy who's practically got his tongue out and getting ready to follow her until I step right in front of him, blocking his intended path.

“Unless you want to lose them, I suggest you take your eyes off my fucking mate.” I let my Alpha powers ride me hard until he can’t help but look away, his knees almost buckling from the force. It might have been a dick move, but right now, with the way I'm feeling, I just don't have it in me to care. He runs from the room with his tail between his legs, too scared to stick around. That's what I fucking thought.

Turning around, my mate is looking right at me as if she can see right through me. Her cheeks go red at being caughtchecking me out. I do the same, starting from her tiny feet all the way up to her angelic face. Every part of her is now ingrained in my mind. My wolf howling in my mind, wanting to be let out so we could chase and catch her. Take her to the ground and make her mine. I have to reign in my wolf, so we don’t scare her off before I can make that happen. Jesus, do I want to make that happen so badly right now?

I take a step closer as she does the same to me. It’s as if we are magnets being pulled together, wonder shining in her eyes as if she’s been waiting for me her whole life, just like I have with her. My heart is beating so hard and fast I know every supernatural in this room can hear it. I know she heard what I said to that guy, but she doesn’t seem to be repulsed by it, which is good. She places her small hand against my cheek and I lean into her touch, making my whole body shiver with just that small touch. Goosebumps break out all over her body. She's just as affected as I am.

“It’s you. I’ve been waiting for you,” she says in a small voice, making me wonder just who my mate really is. I have a feeling this is one Valentine's Day I won't soon forget.
