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Chapter 2

“Listen to the wind, it talks Listen to the silence, it speaks Listen to your heart, it knows.” Ojibwe Prayer

My long silk black dress slinks as I walk into Xander Easton’s house with Gabriella by my side. I knew the moment I saw the dress; it was the one for me. It’s as if it was made for me, and it was the exact same one I’ve been seeing in my dream this past month. My pink hair is in a super chic curled updo, and I finished the look off with a smokey eye, making my green eyes pop, and a deep red matte lipstick. I knew everything was going to change tonight, forever different. There's been a buzz in the air for a month straight. I’ve always had a sixth sense for things, just like my grandma. I usually can tell when something will happen, and I never question it.

Every day for the past month, this party of mates is all I could think about. Day after day, dream after dream. I would dream of a gorgeous man, that has to be hitting 6 foot 5, with dark brown hair coming up to me at the party and telling me I’m his. His eyes would glow a gold color and his touch forever branded into my skin. The power that radiates off him is strong. I know he’s an alpha down to my bones. Every time in my dream, it would get to the point where he walked up to me, and that’s when I wouldwake up. He would fade, trying to hold on to me, trying to tell me something, but I never could hear what he was trying to tell me. I would always wake up in a cold sweat, my skin feeling too tight for my own body. As if it’s waiting for a certain someone who can put out this blazing inferno. It could only ever be him, and it’s probably why I stayed a virgin all this time. I always knew I was meant for one person and one person only and wanted to wait.

Walking inside Xander’s house, I can feel the buzz in the air making me shiver, and I know he’s here in this house; I can feel it. Still holding on to my arm, Gabby digs her nails into me, stopping. She must feel it as well. “Did you feel that? What was that?” She whispers.

Oh, I felt it all right. I've been feeling it for a month. However, I don’t tell her that. I try to keep what I know to myself most of the time, even though Gabs knows I can feel things. I feel how nervous this is making her and, as it is, she didn't even want to come out tonight. My bestie despises all things Valentine’s Day and walking in here tonight, I could see the grimace on her face at all the pinks and reds. No doubt wanting to pop all the balloons like she wanted to do in the mall. “I did and have no clue what that was. Let’s find a drink. Maybe it’s just our nerves with being here with this many people.”

She nods her head, and we both walk over to the bar area and order something strong. I definitely need something to calm my nerves down. Taking a sip, I can hear a growl that almost shakes the windows of the house, causing a hush and everyone to pause what they are doing. We all turn as one to see Xander Easton standing there looking around until his eyes land on Gabriella, and he doesn’t break eye contact with her. Whispering in her ear, I tell her who that is.

“That’s Xander Easton.” Xander is our host for the night and one of our resident vampires.

“Mate,” He growls out that one word, making me gasp, and I know my bestie has just found her forever. The closer he walks, you can see he has one purpose and one purpose only and that is to get to Gabby. I know I have to walk away to give them a chance to talk. I can feel her panic, but she will be fine.

“I’ll be at the bar, have fun with Xander,” I whisper in her ear and send her a wink while walking away. The party goes back to full swing with people talking or dancing, chatting with those they already know. I order another drink while standing at the bar, knowing my alpha is close. I can feel eyes on me, and they don’t feel nice until I hear a growled voice that sends shivers down my spine.

“Unless you want to lose them, I suggest you take them off, my fucking mate.”

His voice rolls over my body like sin and seduction. The threat making my lips twitch. His possessiveness towards me makes me think about all kinds of dirty things, making me wet. I watch as he prowls my way. God, he’s hot, making my blood boil. My feet move on their own as if I'm floating on a cloud. I have a deep-seated need to seek him out just as much until we are standing so close we are practically breathing the same air. He’s just as I dreamed. 6 foot 5 with short brown hair, I can see the brown peeking out of his eyes, his golden eyes receding. So he is a Wolf, an Alpha. You can feel his power radiating off him now that he’s so close to me.

I don’t know where the boldness comes from. I just know I have to touch him. Placing my palm on his cheek, I can feel an eclectic current running throughout my body, making goosebumps run all over my skin. I can tell he’s just as affected as I am if his low growl is anything to go by. Touching him, I can see our future, and I already know I’m in love with him. He is my one and only the one that I’ll spend the rest of my life with.

“It’s you. I’ve been waiting for you,” I say in a small voice, not wanting to break the moment. I can tell my words confuse him. He’s looking into my eyes as if he can seek the answer he is looking for. He takes my hand from his face, kissing the back of it, making shivers race up my spine. If it’s possible, he steps closer to me, and our lips are less than an inch away from touching. Breathing in the same space, it’s as if everyone around is forgotten, and we are the only two standing here.

“What’s your name Gwanaaj?” His wolf is still at the surface, peeking out, making me want to see him shift and see what he looks like.

“Eva Emerson, and what’s yours?” I’m curious to ask what he called me, but too chicken to ask right now. Now that I look at him, I can tell he’s Indigenous, and if I’m correct, he is the Alpha of the Nimkii pack, who is Ojibwe.

“Azriel Nimkii, Alpha of the Nimkii pack. What do you say we go someplace quiet and talk? I have a feeling you have some questions for me.” He’s holding my stare, and it’s intense, and I’m pretty sure I would follow him anywhere at this point. I’m going to jump into this with both feet and not let any fear rule me. This is my destiny, and I won’t let it pass me by.

“I would like that.” He lets his wolf out a little more with that smile that just graced his face. Taking my much smaller hand in his, he tucks me tight to his side and walks with me towards the back of the house, past everyone’s curious looks. He looks them down as if daring them to say or do anything. His Alpha powers come out to play, making all the men we pass look down. We reach a door, and he opens it for me. I can see it’s an office not overly big in size and doesn’t feel like it’s been used in a while. He closes the door and leads me over to the couch in front of a fireplace.

Sitting down, I watch him walk to the make-shift bar and pour two drinks. He walks back over, handing me one while hesits beside me, so close our thighs are almost touching. Lifting my glass, I whisper out. “Thank you.” I take a sip, letting the whiskey burn all the way down. Suddenly, I feel nervous being this close to him, not knowing what will happen next. I can feel him looking at me and tracking my every move. No doubt he can feel it. Hell, it doesn't take a genius to see my hands shaking a little. He places his finger under my chin, turning my head so I’m looking right at him.

“I never want you to fear anything from me, Eva. I would rather cut off my own arm than ever hurt you. Eva, you're my mate. You are always safe with me. You never have to question that. I would sink my teeth into those who think they would harm even one hair on your head and tear them apart.” The last part is growled out, and I know he means that.

Hearing him say mate again makes me want to lean into him and rub against him right now. But he’s right; we should talk before we get down and dirty. Though right now, how I’m feeling doesn’t sound so bad. Shaking my head to focus and get my mind out of the gutter. I just need to know if this is real. I know exactly how I feel about him. As soon as I touched him, it was like I was finally home. “Am I really your mate?”

“You are my mate, Gwanaaj. I knew it before I even saw you. As soon as you walked into the house, I knew my mate was here. I followed your scent, and it led me right to you. You are my heart and soul, Eva. When and if you are ready and there’s no pressure, we will become one. You will become a part of the Nimkii pack and forever change into a wolf. That is, if that is what you truly want.”

He has a vulnerability in his eyes as he says this, as if the thought of me rejecting all this hurts him. I knew what being his mate would entail. Being the nosy person I am, I did a lot of research on the supernatural community, always wanting more information. I always made sure we had enough books orderedfor our store so people could come in and read it for themselves. I watch as he swallows his whiskey in one go.

“Azriel, you don’t have to look so scared. I'm not rejecting this at all. I just need time to wrap my head around all this and get to know you a little better. It sounds crazy, but I knew you were coming tonight, but before we get to that, I have a question. What is that name you’ve called me twice now?” Okay, so waiting isn’t my strong suit. According to my family and Gabs, apparently, I’m impatient. Whatever, I just like to know things. I’m dying to find out what that word is. He takes hold of my hand and holds it as if he can’t help but touch me. Every time he’s touched me tonight, it’s like a zap goes right to my pussy, making me instantly wet for him.

“Gwanaaj means beautiful in Ojibwe. You are so fucking beautiful, Eva. The light just radiates off you. I can’t believe I finally found you.” He can’t stop looking at me. It’s almost like he’s scared to look away from me, fearing I might disappear on him. “Tell me about you. I want to know everything.”

Laughing at his enthusiasm, he’s like a kid in a candy store right now. “That would take all night if I told you everything right now.”

He gets a serious look on his face, making sure I’m looking right at him when he says his next words. “For you, Eva, I would do anything, and I mean anything.” And for some reason, I believe him.

“I have a feeling Valentine's Day is now my favorite day of the year.” My face blushes as I look at Azriel.

He places his hand on my cheek, looking at me with so much devotion in his eyes. “It will definitely be a day for celebration. As it’s the day I found my forever.” Butterflies take flight as we talk for the rest of the night, learning everything we can about each other. This is definitely the best night of my life.

Chapter 3
