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Hearing Nookomis call Azriel GiiGii and when he finally told me what it meant made me die of laughter, almost falling out of my chair, considering she is smaller than I am, and that’s saying something. Tomorrow I will finally get to see Azriel’s wolf, and I’m so excited. Tonight we party, tomorrow life as I know it will change forever and I can’t wait. All night Azriel has kept his eyes on me, not being able to be away from me for too long. The predatory looks from across the yard has made my body heat up ten notches, and I know only he can put out the flames.

I’m brought out of my very dirty thoughts by Nookomis handing me a drink. "Here you go, dear. It looks like you could use a drink to cool down with the way you and Azriel are looking at each other." Beer spews back out by what she says, making my face flame for a whole additional reason. She laughs, actually laughs at my shocked face with what she said. Beer is dripping down my face, and I’m trying not to die of mortification that she caught me giving Azriel a heated look. I’m honestly impressed and want to be her when I get older with no filter. Az is right. Nookomis is the best. She pats my back, shaking with laughter, and I see Azriel come running over.

“Eva, are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you need to sit down?” Azriel is patting me down as if he can help, just making this situation more amusing to Nookomis. Good lord, I don’t think my face can get any redder. And I’m just standing here giving him googly eyes at how sweet he’s being. I seriously need to get a grip before Nookomis says something else. I grab his hands in mine so that he stops roaming them on my body, making me even hotter.

“I’m fine, Azriel. The beer just went down the wrong way. You can go back to talking to your friends, and I'm just going to sit here with Nookomis and talk for a bit.” He narrows his eyes as if he doesn’t believe me.

“GiiGii, she is fine, so stop fussing and let us girls have some alone time.” She’s shooing him away as if he’s still that little boy, making his lips twitch, wanting to laugh. He bends down, kissing my forehead, sending me a wink before he walks away. We both take our seats by the fire.

“So, how are you really doing, dear? Our pack hasn’t run you off screaming yet.”

“I’m really good. Everyone has been amazing, and it feels like I’m finally home as crazy as that sounds.” She pats my hand with a smile on her face knowing my words made her happy.

“I’m glad, Eva, you will be the perfect addition to this pack. Seeing my Azriel happy is all I ever wanted, and I know that he has that with you. He has a lot on his shoulders running this pack, but now that he has you, he no longer has to bear that burden on his own. He has you to lean on, but if he ever gets out of line, just send him my way, and I'll let him have it.” She sends a wink my way with a smile and she means that.

That has me laughing. No doubt she keeps everyone in line here. “Thank you, Nookomis. I’ll keep that in mind. I want to be able to help in any way I can with the pack.”

“And you will, I don't doubt that. Now that everyone is leaving, I'll be saying good night. One of these days, you will have to show me those recipes for those treats you brought, and I'll teach you how to make fry bread, which Azriel loves. Good night dear sweet dreams, and I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast.” I get up and give her a hug.

“Goodnight, Nookomis. I'll see you tomorrow and thank you for today. It’s been amazing.” Omg, can I just say fry bread has to be the most amazing thing I’ve had in a long time. I’ll be gaining weight just from eating that. I watch as she walks away to say good night to Azriel before he heads my way. Looking hot as hell with the way his jeans mold to his legs, his shirt tight across his chest. Hell, I don’t know how I’m going to survive tonight being wrapped up in his powerful arms while I sleep. Anytime he’s touched me, I want to climb him like a tree, instantly making my panties soaked. Azriel reaches me and holds me in his arms, pulling in my scent, which always seems to loosen the tension in his shoulders.

“Mmm, you smell so good. You help calm my wolf and me down. It’s like I’m coming home for the first time.” He places a feather-light kiss on my neck, making me shiver in his arms. “Are you ready to head inside and get some sleep? Tomorrow is going to be a big day?”

Being held by him all night, yes, please sign me up. “Yes, I’m ready, Az.” Let’s just hope I survive tonight and don’t jump him in his sleep. Lord, give me strength because I’m going to need all the help I can get.

Chapter 5

There is a battle of two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, lies, inferiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth. The wolf that wins? The one you feed.

It took me a while to fall asleep last night. I'm not talking 20 minutes either, almost two freaking hours later, and I was still looking at the wall. After we came upstairs and got ready for bed, Azriel was the big spoon. He kissed me senseless and promptly fell asleep. I swear men can fall asleep as soon as they hit the pillow. Not women, we stay up overthinking life. While I stayed up praying for the lust, he built every time he touched me to die down. I woke up feeling extremely hot, wondering if Azriel had the heat turned up in the house. I turn my head and find him wrapped around me like a monkey with zero space separating us. It's as if we are fused as one, and I now have my very own heater. No need for a blanket in this bed. I try to move his arms, to no avail. All I feel is an enormous appendage poking me in places that make my body feel like it was going to go up in flames. It took me another ten minutes to get Azriel’s arms to let me go. Even in sleep, he kept seeking me out. I rushed to the bathroom, which I just wanted to stay in here all day and soak in the massive tub. Going through my morning routine, I’m excitedto be able to see Azriel’s wolf finally. I put on my black leggings, a long-sleeved gray shirt, and throw my hair into a messy bun.

I open the bathroom door to find the bed empty and Az nowhere to be found. Walking out the door to head downstairs, I can hear him talking to someone; no doubt it's Nookomis. The smell that’s greeting my way down makes my stomach rumble loud enough that I’m sure they heard it. Walking into the kitchen, I can see Azriel and Nookomis cooking breakfast. They both stop as soon as I walk in, both wearing smiles on their faces. “Good morning.”

“Good morning Eva. Breakfast will be ready soon. Why don’t you have a seat, and Az will bring you your coffee.” She gives me a wink but says it in a no-nonsense tone that you do as she says, making Az’s lips twitch.

I take my seat at the massive table that could seat 12, and you can tell it’s handmade. The detail is beautiful. All around the table there is a detail carving of a wolf. Azriel places a coffee in front of me and bends down to give me a kiss that’s over way too quickly, in my opinion.

“Good morning Eva. How did you sleep?”

“Good morning Azriel. I slept well, thank you, and you?” The heated look he’s giving me would start a fire, making me blush.

He bends his head, so he’s whispering in my ear. “With you wrapped up in my arms all night where you belong was the best sleep I ever had. I can’t wait to do it again.”

He places a feather-light kiss on my neck; shivers are racing up and down my spine at the feel of his soft, full lips. He backs away, sending me a wink just as Nookomis walks in carrying plates loaded with enough food to feed an army. Taking a sip of my coffee, I let the caffeine do its job and hopefully help me keep sitting and not just jump Azriel on the table. Wouldn’t that be embarrassing while his grandma, an elder, sits with us? They both take their seats and hand around plates with an amazingspread. Once we were done, Nookomis insisted we sit and relax. Even though I tried to get up and help her, she didn't want to hear it.

Azriel grabs my hand to get my attention. “Are you ready for today, Eva? I figured I’d show you my wolf first. He's so eager to meet you, and he’s a little mad at me that it’s taken me this long to show him. We can have a picnic by the lake, and I can explain in more detail what being a mate to the alpha wolf means.”

“I’m so excited to get to meet your wolf finally. Wolves have always been my favorite animal. I have a painting in my bedroom of a big black wolf.” I’m bouncing around in my seat like a kid in a candy store. Azriel has a big smile on his face and is trying not to laugh at me with what I just said.

My nose scrunches up. “What’s so funny?”

He just sends me a wink as if he's in some secret joke. “You’ll see. Let’s head out back.”

I drain the last of my coffee and head for the back door, slipping my shoes on and walking outside. I can see Azriel already stripping out of his clothes, making my mouth water at the sight of him. He has his back to me, and once he takes off his pants, he’s standing naked in front of me. Before I’m even able to get a complete look at him, his body starts to transform, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and it seems to happen within seconds. Standing before me is the wolf on my wall. All black fur coat and the most amazing eyes, and holy hell, is he massive. I slowly make my way down the stairs and walk towards him as he tracks my every move. The excitement that’s coursing through me right now is like anything I’ve felt before, and I don’t have an ounce of fear running through me.

Azriel’s wolf puts his head in my stomach, making me laugh. I run my fingers through his fur and start to hear a low growl, letting me know he likes that. “God, you’re beautiful. You look exactly like my wolf on my wall; it’s unreal.” He walks aroundme in a circle, rubbing his scent all over me, making sure I’m marked. He sits down, so I do the same, and he then decides to lick my face with his hot breath, making me laugh. “You are lucky I like you. I seriously can’t wait till I get to change into a wolf and be able to go on a run with you.”

Azriel walks away and, within a few moments, comes back dressed. No longer a wolf but all man sitting down behind me, wrapping me in his strong arms. “Did you mean what you said, that you can’t wait till you can run with me in wolf form?”
