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Our server comes over at that moment, taking our drink orders. I don’t even have to look at the menu at this point since I’m here enough. “Good Evening, and welcome to Porter’s Steakhouse. Can I get you guys something to drink?”

Azriel motions for me to go first. “I’ll have a beer, please.”

“I’ll have the same thank you.”

I watch her walk away before I start talking. I'm in desperate need of knowing what he wanted to talk about. “How was your day, Az?” Before he can answer, the server comes back with our drinks and takes our orders.

“It was good. We just finished our last house, and next week, we can get started on Xanders hotels that he wants to be redone. Those I will have most of my men on, so it shouldn't take us too long to do unless we run into problems. How was your day?” He grabs my hand, rubbing his finger back and forth.

“It was great we got a new shipment of books today, ones I’ve been dying to get my hands on. Do you like to read Az?” I take a sip of my drink, watching his eyes get the deer in the headlights look going on as if his answer is going to offend me just because I own a bookstore. It makes me want to burst out laughing.

“Ugh, does blueprints count because that’s all I read?”

I narrow my eyes at him just to mess with him. “We all can’t be perfect, I guess.” He throws his head back, laughing, making everyone turn their heads to look at him, but he doesn’t seem to care. I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since he picked me up.

He shakes his head with a smile on his face. “Okay, smartass. You and my Nookomis will get along just fine when you meet. I wanted to ask you, and I’ll understand if you say no. But I wanted to know if you will come and meet everyone this weekend. Get a feel for what it means to be my mate and meet my wolf. Nothing has to happen if you are not ready. Just know I don’t and won’t pressure you into anything.”

He’s got a vulnerability in his eyes, waiting for my answer. The food was long forgotten at this point. This is what he wanted to ask me. My butterflies have taken flight again, not because I’m nervous, but because I’m ready to say to hell with it and let's go now. This is what I want, and I won’t hold back on anything, and I want it all this coming weekend.

“Yes, I would love to spend the weekend with you. I’m ready and all in Azriel; there won’t be any waiting on my part. I want this just as much as you do.” Grabbing my hand, he kisses the back of it, gracing me with his beautiful smile.

“You do not know what hearing you say that means to me, Eva. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed. Why don’t you eat before it gets cold?” His eyes have become heated at hearing me say I'm all in.

We spend the rest of the night talking, laughing, and telling stories. The more he talks about his Nookomis, the more I’m dying to meet her. She sounds like a lot of fun. This time tomorrow, I’ll be on pack land, and the more I think about it, the more I get excited.

Chapter 4

Sweetgrass Is the hair of our mother, the Earth. Each strand alone is not as strong as when braided together. Sweetgrass represents the Northern direction on the medicine wheel. All life is sacred. Enjoy life!

Today is the day I’m heading to the Nimkii pack to spend the weekend with Azriel. I’ve packed and repacked my bag ten times already, wanting to make sure I have everything I will need. My nerves hit me full force, the anticipation killing me. I’m not scared of what’s going to happen this weekend. No, I’m just scared that people will not like me. His Nookomis is a big part of his life, and I just pray I make a good impression on her.

After Azriel dropped me off last night, Gabs and I had a long talk over a few drinks. Going over our fears for this weekend and the what-ifs. I know she’s going to dinner with Xander tonight, and I know her life won’t be the same after this weekend. Just as mine has forever changed. As I look around our tiny apartment that we’ve had for a few years now, I have a feeling neither one of us will be returning to it. I’m so ready to move on with my life, finally having that one person you can always count on being there for you. The kind of love that runs so deep you feel them even if they aren’t with you. Your thoughts and feelings are only centered on them. Your world begins and ends with them. Iknow Az is it for me, just like I am for him. Being a mate is a big deal.

The kiss we shared last night sealed it all for me. As soon as his lips touched mine, it was like I was finally home, that I knew what finding my soul feels like. My whole body lit up like fireworks, and I wanted so much more. With the feel of his hands on my face as he held me, I felt as if I was melting with the heat that radiated off him. I know come winter I won’t ever have to feel cold. He will be my own personal heater. Though if I have my way, I will be forever changed as well. Once he bites me, my body, as I know it, will be shared with my wolf, and the more I think about it, the more excited I get. To feel that freedom that he was talking about running in the woods, being one with nature all around. I've always been a free spirit, even as a kid. Walking around barefoot, running through the woods behind our house, loving the peace and quiet nature brought to me.

Lost in my thoughts, I jump at the sound of someone knocking on my front door, and I know exactly who it is. Rushing to the door, I feel the smile take over my face and fling open the door, and slam right into Azriel’s arms. He makes a sound of surprise before he wraps his arms around me, holding me tight to him. All I feel is the love and safety, and I know whatever life throws at us, I will always have him by my side. I hear him take a big sniff, pulling in my scent, making his chest rumble with a low growl. He pulls me back to give me a feather-light kiss, making me sway in his arms, seeking out more.

“I missed you.” Blunt and bold is how I roll. No point in beating around the bush with people. His warm lips caress my forehead in another light kiss.

“I missed you too, Gwanaaj. Are you ready to go?” He breathes in my scent one more time before pulling back to smile down at me.

I drop my arms and walk towards my bag. It’s already by the door, but before I can even pick it up, Azriel has it in his hands, sending me a wink. “I am ready. Oh wait, let me grab something. I spent yesterday and today baking.”

It helped calm my nerves some, and mama always told me you never show up to someone’s house without bringing something. She made sure when she called today to ask. I walk back from the kitchen with two bags in my hands loaded down with baked goods, and Azriel gave me a soft smile.

“Damn, those smell good, but you didn't have to bring anything. Everyone is just excited to meet you. We are having a little gathering tonight with everyone in the pack with a cookout, music, and just a good time. Nookomis is making sure everyone is on their best behavior tonight.” He gives me a tender look.

“That sounds fun. I'm excited to meet everyone. But my mama always made sure that when you go to someone’s house, you make sure you bring something with you. Besides, I enjoy baking, so it worked out.” We both walk out the door so I can lock up before we leave and take the stairs down towards his truck.

He places all the bags into the back seat and lifts me in the front. Looking deep into my eyes, holding me hostage with his look. “Are you sure you’re ready for all this, Eva? I will understand if you are not.”

Placing my smaller hands on his face, so he fully understands me, not wanting him to look away. “Azriel, I’m more than ready for everything that is happening this weekend. I want it all, no holding back. I’m ready. I'm ready to be your mate.” He closes his eyes, letting my words sink in, finally getting what I’ve been trying to tell him. Opening his eyes, his wolf is at the surface, wanting to be let out, and I can’t wait till I get to meet him. I’ve been trying to picture what he would look like, and it’s beendriving me crazy. I asked Az at dinner, but he just winked at me, telling me I would have to wait and see.

“Fuck, I still can’t believe this is real, that you’re real.” He shakes his head, looking all over with disbelief in his eyes.

I sent him a wink. “Believe it, baby, now I do believe we have a party to get to and I don’t think your Nookomis will like it if we are late.” That gets his ass moving, making me burst out laughing. Now I’m dying to meet his grandma if she scares him that much. He jumps into the truck, starts it up, and backs out of the parking lot, heading towards his home. I know after this weekend it will become my home as well.

I seriously had nothing to worry about, walking into Azriel’s house and meeting everyone. Everyone welcomed me with open arms, telling me how happy they were for us. Nookomis, andyes, that’s what she told me to call her, is the freaking best. She gathered me into her arms and cried, welcoming me to the family, making tears spring to my eyes. You just felt the love pouring off her in waves. What threw me was she said I was just as she saw in her visions, and she knew that I could see stuff as well, almost like her. Mine aren’t as powerful as hers, but I never ignore them either. I’ve stuffed my face till my stomach hurts with some amazing food, danced till I almost dropped, and now we are just sitting by the fire telling stories. The land that the pack lives on is practically magical. It's so peaceful. It’s as if I’ve finally come home. Surrounded by so many trees so rich in color and the beautiful lake backing right on the property. Getting to watch the sunset on the water was something to see.

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