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He lifted her off her feet and carried her to the bed, setting her down on the end. “It’s not hereditary. I’m the white wolf.”

The way he said it, as if it had some deeper meaning, confused her. “I don’t understand.”

A knock interrupted them. Devlin left her and went to the door. She tucked the shirt tighter around her legs, mentally kicking herself for asking such a personal question. Curious about their visitor, she angled herself so she could see the door when it opened.

“I’m the doc.” The man was at least in his fifties, maybe older. It was difficult to say with any certainty. While he was tall and lean and looked to be in excellent shape, deep lines radiated from the corners of his eyes. His hair was shorn short and laced with gray, as was his full beard. He wore jeans, a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, and biker boots. Instead of a medical bag, he had a battered knapsack slung over one shoulder.

Without a word, Devlin stepped back. “She’s over there.” The doctor entered and dumped his bag on the bed.

She offered a weak smile. “Thank you for coming. I’m—”

“No names,” he interjected. “Safer for all of us.”

What world had she stumbled into? One with wolves, that’s what.

Without preamble, the doc reached for her. His wrist was caught in Devlin’s massive hand. “You treat her as though she’s the only thing standing between you and death.” Deadly intent was mirrored in his eyes. The air snapped with danger. The fine hairs on her arm rose.

He really means it.

While the proclamation scared the life out of her—who wanted that kind of responsibility thrust upon them—it also gave her warm fuzzies that he cared so much.

Sweat beaded on her brow, the tension jacking up a notch as the silent standoff continued. The doc finally shrugged. “Can’t treat her if I can’t touch her.”

“It’s my arm.” The faster this was done, the better. She managed to slip open the top three buttons of the shirt, giving her enough room to ease her arm out while keeping the rest of her covered.

Devlin released the doc but hovered, watching the man’s every move. Ignoring him, the doc unwound the stained towel and studied the wound. “Looks jagged. What’d you catch it on?” He opened his bag and began unpacking supplies.

“I didn’t see. It was dark. Most likely a nail or broken piece of wood.”

Grunting, he held a clean towel under her arm. “This is gonna hurt.” He motioned to the plastic bottle in his other hand and waited until she gave him a nod.

Fire erupted when the liquid hit the wound. It raced up and down her arm and into her bloodstream. She threw back her head, the cords of her neck tensing as she struggled not to scream.

A big hand caught hers, holding it tight. She focused on Devlin, letting his presence drive back the pain. He looked mad enough to kill. Fearing for the doc, she clung to him. “I’m okay.”

Seemingly unfazed by Devlin’s threatening scowl, the doc examined the area, making a couple noises. “Gonna need stitches.”

Closing her eyes, she gave in to the inevitable. “Do it.” Her voice was hoarse. Not surprising. She was clinging by a thread.

Something cool sprayed over her skin. “Give it a second to deaden the area.”

Her eyes popped open in disbelief. Couldn’t he have done that before he’d cleaned it? One glance at Devlin kept her mouth shut. He didn’t look any happier than she did.

She sucked in a breath when he brought out the packets containing the sutures. Every muscle in her body tensed. She hated needles.

“Look at me.” Devlin’s deep voice penetrated her fear. She looked up and clutched his hand tighter. “It will be over soon.”

Nodding, she jolted when the needle pierced her skin. Thankfully, there was no pain this time. The pinching sensation barely registered. His bedside manner might be lacking, but the doc worked fast. A bead of sweat trickled between her breasts.


She glanced down at the row of dark stitches. He sprayed something else on her skin and wrapped the wound. “Keep it dry for a few days. Change the bandage every day.” He rattled off a list of supplies they’d need. “If it starts to look red or inflamed, get medical attention.” He pulled a pill bottle from a zippered pocket in his knapsack. “You allergic to any medications?”

“Not that I know of.”

He set the bottle next to her. “Follow the instructions. It will help fight infection. You had a tetanus shot lately?”

Damn, she’d feared this would happen. She shook her head.
