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The doc reached into his pack. “Roll over and pull up your shirt.”

“Leave it,” Devlin ordered. “I’ll do it.”

“Suit yourself.” He packed up everything he’d brought with him, even the discarded gauze and wrappings. The man was incredibly thorough. “But I don’t leave without taking everything I brought with me.” He canted his head toward her. “Get to it.”

“The doc can do it,” she blurted when Devlin took a menacing step toward the man. “Just get it done.” Ignoring the heat rolling up her face, she shifted onto one side and pulled up the shirt to expose one bare butt cheek.

An antiseptic swab was followed by a sharp jab. She flinched, fisting her hands in the bed coverings. Panting, she yanked the shirt down as soon as he was done.

“That it? Any broken bones?”

She shook her head.

“Good enough.” Shouldering his bag, the doc left.

Devlin locked the door. Rather than join her, he pulled a chair over so he was sitting across from her, his face set in grim lines. He leaned forward, hands clasped in front of him, his eyes glowing. “What do you know about magic?”

His wolf was restless. Zoe was pale, almost fragile, his shirt seeming to swallow her whole. Devlin didn’t want to do this now, but answers couldn’t wait. He had to be sure she wasn’t actively working against him.

She tilted her head to one side, appearing confused. “Magic? Like David Copperfield and Penn and Teller?”

“No.” He fought the instinct to take her in his arms and comfort her, forcing himself to ask the tough questions. “The kind that might give you white eyes and a lock of white hair like mine. The kind that might explain the instantaneous attraction between us.”

She tugged the lapels together, overlapping them. “That’s genetics.” When she started to sidle away, he put a hand down on the mattress on either side of her, blocking her escape. Her heart sped up and her breathing hitched.

Fear had a nasty metallic taste. Hers coated the inside of his nostrils. Masterful hunter that he was, he waited, his gaze locked on her.

“You’re talking about witches. Like hocus-pocus stuff.”

His wolf believed her innocence and was snapping and snarling, none too pleased with him. “Not witches. Mages.”

She licked her lips. “What’s the difference?”

He inwardly cursed when his dick sprang to life. His iron control faltering, he pressed forward. “Answer the question. I’ll know if you’re lying.”

Sweat beaded on her brow. “I only know what I’ve seen on television and in movies or read in books. I don’t understand. I think I should go home.”

The tendons in his throat constricted, the howl fighting to get free. “It’s not safe there.” His voice sounded as if he’d swallowed ground glass.

“It doesn’t feel much safer here. I’m not sure what you’re driving at, but I’m not stupid. You think some magical force is responsible for us coming together. Maybe I arranged to have a deranged werewolf terrorize and attack me.” She rubbed her forehead.

It was on the tip of his tongue to remind her that she’d lived and gotten off easy. Rogues ripped their prey to shreds, the bloodier the better. And that rogue was conveniently dead. Devlin hadn’t given him an opportunity to speak. It could easily be an elaborate setup.

Fur rippled on his arms before he clamped down on the beast. Thankfully, she didn’t notice. He didn’t believe that theory anymore than his wolf did, but it needed to be considered.

“I don’t understand any of this. My life was perfectly normal a few days ago. Now it’s a never-ending nightmare.”

She sounded so forlorn that he reached for her, only to freeze when she jerked back. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He held his hands up in front of him.

“I can’t do this. I started to trust you, to lower my guard, and now you’re treating me like I’m the enemy.” She held up her bad arm. “I didn’t ask for this.”

“I know.” He was a bastard for putting her through this. His guts were twisted in a knot. Dread gripped his chest. “Trust doesn’t come easy.”

“Tell me about it. And if that’s an apology, it needs work.”

He gave a rough laugh. “Yeah. Not used to doing that, either.” Moving slowly, he clasped one of her hands, relief making him lightheaded when she didn’t pull away. “Tell me about your family.”
