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She’d built her life, one calculated step at a time, keeping risks to a minimum, embracing a safe, quiet existence. For the most part, she’d been quite satisfied with the results. She had her art, classes when she wanted. Heck, she’d even mostly enjoyed her work. If she’d been lonely at times, it had been a small price to pay. Dating was too much trouble. Trust was a minefield, one that could explode in her face any second.

She’d never been honest with any man she’d dated about her past. It stood between them, a closed door she refused to open. Kade was different. She feared he’d rip the doors off the hinges, exposing all her secrets. If she didn’t fling them wide open first. There was something about him that tempted her to spill everything.

You told him about the gray wolf and look what happened.

I’m the gray wolf.He’d sliced her heart with those few seemingly callous words. Except he’d seemed genuinely hurt that she’d thought he was mocking her. It was all so confusing. Something else to add to the endless list of “Things That Do Not Make Sense.”

Maybe he meant he’d been the gray wolf in her dreams. Maybe she was making excuses for him. She had money. She could leave and disappear, maybe head to Europe for a couple of months. Her job had run its course, anyway. Tony had become intolerable. Grabbing her and physically bruising her arm earlier had crossed a line. God, had that been this morning? So much had happened since then, it seemed like weeks ago.

Chelsea was constantly putting her down in small ways, but they added up. Talking down her painting was the last straw. She’d been taking the easy route, keeping things at status quo. It was plain to see now that things were coming undone.

It was stupid, not to mention potentially dangerous, to go to an undisclosed location with a man she barely knew. Yet, after bonding over the painting and sharing a dream—still having a hard time believing that one—she trusted him more than any of the men she’d dated or even lived with. What that said about her choices, she wasn’t sure. She prayed she wasn’t making a huge mistake.

Back on the train, she’d sensed his tumultuous emotions and had wanted to soothe him. Taking his hand had been an impulse, but seeing his expression of wonder, of relief had assured her she’d done the right thing. Bottom line—she had questions, and he was the one who could give her answers…or help her find them.

Running off with him might be unwise, but it was her best option. It wasn’t as though there was anyone who’d miss her or worry. Chelsea would be furious—not on Luna’s behalf, but because she wanted a painting for her client. Tony wouldn’t give her a second thought. She was between art classes at the moment, so no instructor or classmate would wonder where she was. She owned her home, and monthly expenses were automatically deducted from her trust fund. Theoretically, she could disappear for a couple of years before anyone would notice. Talk about depressing.

“We’re here.”

Startled out of her morose meanderings, she realized she had no idea where they were.Not smart, girl. Get it together.The Marriott was a hotel she recognized. One hurdle dealt with. Reassured she wasn’t totally lost, she nodded at the doorman as they entered.

While Kade charmed the woman working behind the counter, she surveyed the lobby. She was on edge, half expecting someone to grab her. When someone took her arm, she jolted.

“You okay?”

The relief that hit her was far out of proportion. “I’m fine.” She wasn’t, not really, but what else could she say? Keycard in hand, they headed to the elevator. As they rose upward, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. The closer they got to the room, the more she questioned her decision.

This wasn’t like her. She was methodical, planned. Thought things through. This was the most spontaneous thing she’d ever done.


The door slid open. With his big hand splayed over her back, he guided her down the hallway. Once inside the room, she dropped her purse on the coffee table and made a beeline for the window. At least the suite had a sitting area separate from the bedroom.

Don’t think about how close a bed is.

Images from her dream flashed through her mind. Kade naked, muscles rippling, expression determined as he captured her mouth. Her thighs clenched, as if to try to contain the sensual spasm of her core. Her nipples beaded against her bra. She pressed her head against the cool glass, grateful for the air-conditioning.

Get your head on straight, Luna.

None of it was real. They didn’t have some special link. There was some rational explanation for everything. There had to be.

“Everything okay?” His image reflected in the glass. He wasn’t touching her, but heat rolled off his big body. He’d dumped his bags and discarded his leather jacket. The sleeves on his T-shirt stretched at the biceps and along the shoulder seams. “Luna?”

She shook her head and closed her eyes long enough to clamp down her wayward longings. “Nothing is okay.”

“Turn around.”

Hunching her shoulders, she shook her head. That definitely wouldn’t be a smart move. She might do something supremely stupid, like kiss him. Her emotions were all over the place. Part of her wanted to bury her head in the sand and pretend nothing existed outside this room, but that would be cowardly.

His heavy sigh sent hot breath feathering over her ear and goose bumps racing down her shoulders and arms. “Talk to me.”

God, she was being ridiculous. She was the one who’d called him. He’d done the courtesy of meeting with her. Hadn’t questioned when she’d told him not to sell his painting back to Chelsea. Spirited the rest of her work away, at no small cost to himself. Private couriers weren’t cheap. The very least she owed him was an explanation.

“I’m sorry.” Having her hair pulled back in a clip at the nape of her neck was contributing to her stress headache. She wanted to release it but decided it was best to keep things as professional as possible. Taking a deep breath, she faced him. He was close. Too close. Their bodies were practically touching. Her nipples almost brushed his chest. If she leaned in the tiniest bit…

Stop it!

God, sex barely blipped on her radar. Not until she’d met Kade. If she could bottle the pheromones he gave off, she could make a fortune. “Ah, we should sit down.” Rather than wait for him to move, she sidled away, barely swallowing a moan when her arm grazed his. Ripples of pleasure had her fingers curling into a fist to keep from reaching for him. When they’d been in public, it had been easier to ignore the sexual sensations bombarding her. Now that they were alone, there was no avoiding them. Even the ache in her hand took a backseat to the desire pulsing inside her.
