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“Not if they leave.” She was running out of time and options. If they lost the gray wolf, they’d have to hunt down the black one. That bastard was the most elusive of the three. It was as though he was a ghost.

She could keep sacrificing humans to stay young, but Charles was aging. And she was damn tired of having to fight to remain youthful. If she was immortal, she could expend her energy on other projects.

“They’re not going anywhere. You may know magic, but I understand wolves. The urge to hunt, to track us down and eliminate us will keep them here. If we don’t find them, we’ll make it easy for them to find us. In the meantime, I’ll send word to my people. They’ll put the word out that we’ll pay for any information. My network of informants is vast. Money loosens tongues and eases the guilt of even the most loyal.”

She threw back her head and laughed. He was right. There was no way they could lose.

Chapter Twelve

Luna breathed a sigh of relief when they hit the sidewalk without being accosted, but it was short-lived. Paranoia kicked in with a vengeance. God, had she really had some kind of hex removed? It was like something out of a horror movie.

The image of the other mage was a blur. Luna had been in so much pain she barely remembered the woman’s physical appearance, but her presence was unforgettable. She rubbed her hand against her sweater. It had stopped buzzing, but the skin was sensitive, as if there was an internal bruise.

Hints of lavender and rose teased her nostrils. She recalled chanting and pain. Most of all, she remembered the gray wolf, his commanding and protective presence. It cut through the haze of agony and grounded her. Without him… She shuddered to think what might have happened.

“This way.” Arm around her waist, Kade all but dragged her away from the hotel. Her legs were like limp noodles. Without his help, she’d be flat on the ground. Everything around them was moving too fast. She closed her eyes against the dizziness and nausea that assailed her. Forcing her eyes open, she swallowed and tried to concentrate.

“Where are we going?” She wasn’t sure anywhere was safe. Solange was rich and influential, not to mention a powerful mage. It was still strange to accept such a thing as fact, but after all she’d seen and been through in the past twenty-four hours, she had no other choice.

“We need a safe place to lay low.” They crossed a busy street at the light and walked several blocks before turning down a side street and ducking into a coffee shop. He guided her to a table at the back and eased her into a chair.

Grateful to not be moving, she placed her hands flat on the table to steady herself. He set his bags and her purse by the wall. “You need something to eat and drink.”

She placed her hand on her stomach when it protested. “I’m not sure I can handle food.” The idea of it was enough to make her insides protest. She hadn’t eaten all day, missing both breakfast and lunch. The afternoon had waned and evening was fast approaching. She needed to fuel up and stay strong for whatever lay ahead.

A muscle in his jaw flexed, his mouth set in a grim line. “I’ll get us something.” He started to say something else but shook his head and headed to the counter.

She tracked him, needing to keep him in view. Not that she thought for one second he’d run out on her. He’d left his belongings with her, after all. It was more that she needed his presence to keep her from running screaming down the street.

“Get a grip.” And speaking of grips, she released her hold on the table and sat back. A waft of cool air made her shiver. She tugged her sweater tighter around her. The top beneath it was damp, adding to her misery. “You’re alive. That’s what matters.”

What had she fallen into? She hadn’t gotten herself into anything, she reminded herself. It was more she’d been drawn into it by forces beyond her control. Kade glanced over at her. She tried to smile, but it was forced. She doubted it fooled him one bit.

Sighing, she rubbed her hands over her face and concentrated on the positives. She’d made it through having the spell or hex or whatever it was removed. That was something.

“Here.” He placed a tall cup in front of her. “It’s a plain iced green tea. It should help.” Not waiting for him to unload the rest of the items on the tray, she grabbed it and took a sip. It was slightly sweet. After it hit her stomach, she waited a few seconds. When everything seemed fine, she had some more.

He placed a hot beverage in front of her, along with a raisin scone. “That’s hot tea, in case you’d prefer it.” Her stomach rumbled with hunger. Taking it as a good sign, she tore off a corner of the scone, popped it into her mouth, and chewed.

The scent of his coffee made her taste buds weep. “I’d rather have what you’re having.” She took another bite, chasing it with a mouthful of the iced tea.

“Tea is better for you.” Since her system was settling, she couldn’t argue with him, but she’d still rather have the coffee. She needed the boost.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and punched in a number. It rang once. She leaned forward, not even trying to pretend she wasn’t listening. She’d insist he put it on speakerphone, but there were too many other people around.

“How may I be of assistance?” The voice was deep and male.

Kade turned his head to the side, moving the phone further away, and lowered his voice. “I need a safe place for overnight, maybe longer.” He paused, listening to the man on the other end. All she could hear was a rumble and not distinct words. “Somewhere quiet.” He ended the call but didn’t put away his phone.

The entire exchange had taken about thirty seconds. It was all very cloak and dagger—private couriers, checking into a pricy Manhattan hotel for a matter of a couple of hours, and now this. The longer she was around him, the more of a mystery he was.

A text came in. He opened a banking app and transferred money. Another text came in almost immediately. “We’re good.”

“Just like that?”

His foggy gray eyes met hers. “Just like that.” He glanced around the room. “Are you steady enough to move?”

If not for her, he wouldn’t have stopped at all, wouldn’t have needed to. There were depths to this man, hidden layers he might never share. Whoever he was, whatever he was, he’d gone above and beyond to protect and help her. If she hoped to find a way out of this situation and regain her life, they had to work together. Which meant pulling her weight. She slipped the strap of her purse over her shoulder, drank down the last of her cold drink, and grabbed the scone to eat on the way. “I’m ready.”
