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They’d been drawn together by forces outside their control, but what simmered between them went beyond magic. Maybe he was deluding himself or justifying his desires. Whatever the reason, there was an undeniable connection, a spark that had exploded the moment they’d met.

“For as long as we have, I want to be with you.” Before he could interrupt, she shook her head. “Maybe this attraction is no more than the byproduct of some spell or maybe it’s more. In the end, the result is the same—I’m human and you’re not.” It was a reminder he didn’t need, even if it was the undeniable truth. “I’ll grow old, and you’ll be as you are now.” Her laugh was strained. “It’s strange to imagine such a thing is even possible. Wolves and magic and immortality. It’s outside the realm of my reality.”

“Not anymore.” He’d stay with her, protect and care for her until her time in this world ended. He’d endured the loss of his family, the rancor and suspicion of the packs. Through sheer willpower had carved out a life, created wealth, and had fulfilled his duty and purpose as a lone wolf. He didn’t think he’d survive the loss of Luna.

There’d always been an empty void inside him. Now he understood what it was. Or rather who. A lone wolf didn’t mate; that wasn’t his function. Through some trick of Fate, he’d found his. There was no way he’d be able to live without her. The heartbreak would kill him.

It wasn’t giving up. It was taking a path of his own choosing, carving his own destiny.

Going up on her toes, she wrapped her hands around his neck and dragged him down to meet her. “Whatever time we have together, I’m yours.”

Chapter Thirteen

Luna wished she could read Kade’s mind. Even though he was right in front of her, he seemed remote, alone, as if he was having second thoughts. Their lips met and nothing else mattered, her worries banished by a deluge of sensual delight.

Making love to a man she’d met yesterday was totally out of character, but if she didn’t, she’d regret it the rest of her days. Their lives and experiences were totally different. Hell, he wasn’t even human. But when you stripped away the details, they were both loners, neither of them fitting easily into their worlds. They’d carved out their own niches through guts and sheer hard work. They understood each other, and the gray wolf was an unbreakable bond between them.

He was so strong and solid it seemed impossible that someone could actually hurt him, but they were dealing with deadly forces beyond any she could comprehend. What she’d experienced was the tip of the iceberg, and it shook her to her core. Solange might rip his immortality from him. What would that mean for him? For the gray wolf? What would be her fate?

Cold tried to seep into her bones, but the heat radiating from his big body dispelled it, leaving molten-hot need in its wake. They both needed a respite. So much had happened in such a short time it had left her reeling. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and she deepened the kiss.

Their tongues twined together in a sensual dance. It no longer mattered why they were here, what had brought them together. Tomorrow was time enough to worry about the facts and details. For a short time today, she’d feared she would die. Her internal organs had been on fire while she’d been lost in a world of pain. Whatever magic Solange had used, it had dug its tendrils deep. Having it ripped out? Not an experience she wanted to repeat. The gray wolf, Kade, had saved her. If it hadn’t been for him, the outcome would have been different.

It was unfathomable that he could lose the upcoming battle, but there was so much stacked against him, including her. Someone was using her—like a pawn being sacrificed in a chess game where the goal wasn’t the queen but the king.

“Stop thinking about it,” he murmured. He nibbled his way along her jaw, up her neck to her ear.

“I’m trying.” She tilted her head to one side to allow him better access. Goose bumps raced over her skin. Her nipples turned to hard nubs, pushing against the cups of her bra. She began to sweat.

“Oh, God.” On a moan, she put her hands on his chest and pushed him back a step.

A muscle jumped in his jaw. His throat rippled when he swallowed. The heat in his eyes dimmed. “Have you changed your mind?”

“I’m a mess.”

He dragged his fingers through his hair and huffed out a breath. “Life is messy.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I must stink is what I mean.” Heat rose over her cheeks. She’d sweat profusely earlier. It hadn’t mattered until now. They’d been too intent on escape. “Is your sense of smell like a wolf?” When he nodded, she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. “With your heightened senses, how can you stand to be near me?”

His expression gentled, the lines around his mouth and between his eyes smoothing out. “Can I smell a hint of magic? Perspiration? Yes. But you know what else I scent?” He leaned inward and nuzzled her throat.

Her head tilted back. “What?” She was breathless, filled with anticipation.

“You.” He dragged his tongue over her skin. “The musky hint of your arousal overpowers the rest. The salty taste of your skin makes me wonder what other parts of you are going to taste like.” Big hands pushed her sweater down her arms. It slid off and pooled around her feet. The silky top she wore was loose, but there was no disguising the outline of her nipples through the thin fabric.

“Oh God.”

The pads of his fingers were rough against her skin as he slipped them beneath the garment. “I crave the smell and taste of your arousal, the softness of your skin.” He lifted it up and over her head and tossed it aside. His pupils dilated, and he licked his lips. “I crave the sound of your cries as you come, the stroke of your hands on my body.”

If she hadn’t already been seduced, she would be now. He said all the right things, but he wasn’t merely giving her words she wanted to hear. He meant every single one of them.

His eyes reflected need and something more—vulnerability.


He shuddered when she said his name. “I’m pressuring you.”

“You’re not.” If anything, he was treating her with kid gloves, conscious of her physical and mental state. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, she tugged. He took over, ripping it over his head and flinging it aside.
