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She placed her hands on the broad expanse of tanned, rippling muscle before leaning in and licking his skin, tasting the salt. Thick fingers gripped her hair, holding her in place. His deep groan vibrated through her.

“Tell me what you want.” He lifted her head away. “A shower, sleep.” He paused. “Or more.”

“I’m tired.” The chaotic morning at work, meeting Solange, the race back to her apartment to grab her painting, and the confrontation with Kade followed by the removal of a magical spell all combined to leave her physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted.

He closed his eyes tight and nodded. “I understand.”

When he went to step away, she grabbed his hand. “I don’t think you do. I want you, but I don’t want our first time to be hurried.” She began to sway. “I’m not sure I’ll last long and don’t want to disappoint you.”

He took her face between his hands. “Sweetheart, you couldn’t disappoint me if you tried.” But she had. She’d disappointed herself, too. Was she putting them off because of the reasons stated or because she was scared? Maybe both. If they made love—once they made love—nothing would ever be the same. He’d own a piece of her heart forever.

He already does.

She briefly closed her eyes and swallowed heavily, accepting the truth. Putting off lovemaking changed nothing. Denying herself and him the pleasure to be found by coming together only hurt them both. She reached behind, undid the hook of her bra, and shimmied until it fell away. She, who prided safety above all else, was throwing caution to the wind, taking the final leap. “I don’t mind quick if you don’t.”

On a groan, he swept her off her feet and laid her on the bed, coming down beside her. “You don’t have to do this now.” A lock of his thick gray hair fell across his forehead. She pushed it away, fascinated by the fierce expression on his face, the stubborn jut of his chin, his sharp cheekbones.

“I want to.” Every cell of her body ached for this man. Sliding her arms around his neck, she pulled him down. There was a slight resistance. Then he gave a ragged laugh.

“I can’t resist you.” His admission thrilled her, while at the same time a knot of worry gripped her. Then his lips slammed down on hers, driving away all concerns.

When he cupped her bare breast, she lost her breath. When he rubbed his thumb over the tip, she saw stars. No man’s touch had ever driven her to such heights so fast. He reared back and tugged her leggings and underwear away, taking her socks and shoes with them.

Naked, she should have felt vulnerable, but the raw need reflected in the depths of his eyes made her core clench and her pulse skip a beat. “Sweetheart, you take my breath away.” His chest expanded as he sucked in air. “You smell sweet.” Lowering his head, he brushed his lips above the top of her mound. “Spicy.”

“Oh, God.” Embarrassment withered beneath the wave of arousal surging through her. Every inch of her skin was sensitized. She felt empty, filled with a longing only he could satisfy. He’d always have an unfair advantage. There’d be no hiding her need from him, not with his enhanced senses. Grabbing one of the pillows, she yanked it over her face and groaned.

He plucked it away, after a short tussle. “What’s wrong?”

“You knew I was attracted to you last night, at the gallery show?”

A slow smile and the knowing gleam in his eyes were the only answer she needed. She reached for the pillow, but he tossed it aside. “I was drawn to you, too. From the moment I laid eyes on you.” He rolled off the bed and slowly unzipped his jeans. “Before I realized you were the artist of the painting I wanted or had a connection to the gray wolf.”

Licking her lips, she watched as the flaps of denim parted. He went commando. His erection was long and thick and roped with veins. The proof of his desire was blatant and undeniable. Her breathing quickened, and liquid need pooled between her thighs. Keeping her gaze, he shoved the garment away. When he was naked, he crawled back beside her.

She was sweating but no longer cared. If she didn’t have him soon, she was going to implode. This was a different kind of magic, the kind that came from two people being attracted to each other on a primal level. Maybe they were being manipulated, but right now, it was hard to care.

He skimmed his lips over hers before continuing to move downward. His tongue grazed her collarbone. Her nipples were already erect, but they positively ached, straining toward his mouth. When he closed his lips around them and sucked, her entire body arched upward.

He didn’t stop there. No, he cupped one breast, learning its shape and size, letting his thumb graze the tip. The other, he continued to tease with his tongue until she thought she’d go mad.

Grabbing his hips, she dragged him on top of her, moaning when his erection pressed against her clit. Raising herself up, she rubbed over his hard length. The delicious friction had her eyes almost rolling back in her head.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” He deliberately dragged his shaft over the sensitive area. She was panting now, riding the edge of desire. One more stroke and she’d go over.

“No!” She made a grab when he moved away. “Don’t stop.”

With a growl, he shoved her legs apart and settled between them. “Trust me. I have no intention of stopping.” He buried his face against her core, dragging his tongue over her slick folds, purposely missing her clit.

She thumped her feet against the mattress. “Kade,” she wailed, not caring she was begging.

His hot breath feathered over the sensitive nub. Her breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding like a drum. When he closed his mouth around it and flicked it with his tongue, stars burst behind her eyes. A long, thin cry spilled from her parted lips. Heat flashed over her like a supernova.

Making the same sound she did when she savored an expensive piece of chocolate, he lapped at her folds. Her sex contracted hard. Her orgasm spun out.

“I can’t,” she whispered. She was familiar with sex, or thought she was. Nothing in her experience had prepared her for this. It was overwhelming and powerful and exhilarating at the same time.

He raised his head and licked his lips. “You can.”
