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He sniffed the air. A nearby dumpster and the direction of the wind hindered his ability to scent prey, but it didn’t matter. They were out there. His wolf sensed them lurking in the darkness. He hooked one arm around Luna, pulling her more fully behind him.

All his senses sharpened as he went into hunting mode. He picked up four heartbeats getting louder and closer. Leaning down, he whispered, “When I make a move, run. Get to a crowded coffee shop and stay there. Don’t leave for any reason.” He eased his phone out of his pocket and shoved it into her purse. “If I don’t find you, call Devlin.”

Grabbing his shoulders, she dragged him down and planted a fast, hard kiss on his lips. “Don’t die,” she whispered.

“Don’t plan on it.” Four wolves were barely a challenge. The trick would be to keep them away from her. He eased his bag off his shoulder and tossed it to one side.

They came out of the shadows, two in human form and two as wolves. Luna gasped and put her back to the brick wall behind them. “If you leave now, I’ll let you live,” he told them. It was a one-time offer and only because he didn’t want her to see him in action. He was fast and brutal and had no mercy for any who came after him.

The tallest one swaggered forward. Werewolves aged slower than humans, but this one projected youth. Because of his size, he was probably used to being the strongest and fastest among his friends. Because of his age, he hadn’t learned that size didn’t always matter. That kind of knowledge came with age.

“That’s not how this is going to go down.” His dark brown hair was long and pulled back in a tail at his nape. “Me and my buddies are going to kill the woman and drag your sorry ass in to collect the bounty.”

“How much is Charles paying you?” Most wolves wouldn’t have anything to do with a mage. The older male had to be behind this.

“A million bucks.” He licked his lips and smiled.

“That all?” He stepped away from Luna. If he was worth the bounty, they’d go after him. It was up to him to draw them away and give her time to get to safety. “You do know who I am, don’t you?”

The man shrugged. “The gray wolf. Oooh…scary. The elders worry too damn much about you and the other two. You’re just wolves.” Filled with the false bravado of their leader, the other three edged forward.

Yup, he was young. Too bad he wouldn’t live long enough to learn from his mistake. The world slowed, as it always did for him before and during a fight. An awareness of his prey and where they were in proximity to him and the surroundings was as natural to him as breathing. He catalogued it all in the blink of an eye. Behind him, Luna was breathing heavily, her scent ripe with fear.

He wanted to reassure her, but there was no time. “Run!” he yelled, even as he leaped at his first target. The leader’s eyes widened, but Kade was on him. Banding his arm around the male’s neck, he gave a hard twist. Thesnapechoed around them. Such a damn waste, all in the pursuit of money.

The other three attacked en masse. Luna’s footsteps echoed as she raced away. His relief was short-lived when a howl rose in the distance. Fuck, these idiots were nothing more than a diversion.

Manifesting claws, he fought like a demon, raking through skin and fur, cutting down his opponents. He was running before the last of the four hit the pavement. The skittering of a stone warned he wasn’t alone. He dropped to the ground, barely avoiding being decapitated by a broadsword.

Rolling to his feet, he faced not four but eight wolves. These males were older and smarter. They understood the one sure way to defeat the lone wolf was to separate his head from his shoulders. Likely, they were trying to wound him badly enough to subdue him. He wasn’t worth anything to them dead. “Let me guess. You’re on Charles’s payroll.” He strained to hear Luna but couldn’t pick up anything. Had he given her enough time to make her escape?

“Freelance. We’ve done odd jobs for him in the past but nothing this lucrative.”

“A million bucks isn’t worth your time. I’ll double it.” If they were for-hire they likely wouldn’t have any loyalty to their current employer.

He shook his head, keeping the broadsword in front of him. It sat comfortably in his hand. “That was to entice the boys. We’re getting a million each.” He swung the blade, making Kade take a step back to avoid getting sliced in half. The ease with which he wielded it spoke of familiarity.

“I can double that for each of you.” One thing he had plenty of was money. He’d spent decades in the vast rainforests of Central and South America and had found his fair share of treasure. Not to mention the real estate he owned and companies he’d invested in. He’d give it all to keep Luna safe.

The men shifted restlessly, glancing from one another. The guy in charge shook his head. “We have a reputation to protect. You, of all people, should understand that.”

This was another delay tactic. They should have attempted to take him.

A scream in the distance was sharply cut off.Luna!He dove forward, going low. Claws extended, he raked the femoral artery in the male’s leg. Blood spurted from the wound. Staying in motion, Kade swiped at another, cutting through his spine. Several of them shifted, fighting as wolves.

Fangs and claws gouged and ripped at his skin, but he felt no pain. All emotion retreated until all that remained was the killing machine that was the lone wolf. They’d played a part in hurting his mate. They would pay. Coldly and calmly, he cut down another. Blood covered his hands and stained his clothes.

A large brown wolf raced down the alley, heading straight for them. They could bring as many as they liked. He’d kill them all. But the creature didn’t come for Kade. He ran straight for one of his attackers, taking him down and ripping out his throat. He didn’t need the help, but he’d take it. Anything so he could get to Luna.

The newcomer was a hell of a fighter, likely another freelancer looking to score the bounty. He took down two more while Kade finished the rest. As soon as the last of his attackers hit the ground, he raced toward the deserted street. There was no sign of Luna, but her bag lay on the ground, her belongings—including the phone he’d given her—strewn everywhere.

Fury roared up inside him. Dropping to his knees, he threw his head back, barely containing the howl of anguish ripping through him. The cords of his neck strained. Every muscle in his body was taut with grief. The taint of magic lingered. Solange had taken her. She was insurance if the attackers they’d sent after him failed.

They had his mate. The tattoo on his chest heated. He yanked his shirt over his head, swiping the blood off his hands before pressing one over the marking. Luna was alive. Whatever their connection, hefelther presence in the world. He’d do what he did best—hunt. He’d damn well find her. Then he’d wipe Solange and Charles from the face of the Earth.

Kade sensed the unknown male behind him and stood. The wolf had been replaced by a tall, lean male in faded jeans, biker boots, and a plain black T-shirt. He held his hands out in front of him, as if to show he wasn’t a threat. Not likely. The guy had killed efficiently and swiftly. “Sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I left as soon as our mutual friend called.”

He tilted his head to one side and studied the male. “Devlin called you.” He wouldn’t have expected that of the white wolf.
