Page 18 of From the Ashes

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“No, Cain, I’ve said all I needed to say. Just leave.”

“Dammit, Makaylie, open the goddamn door.” Cain starts banging on it again harshly, making me jump.

Joey walks over, and I slide down the door, sitting on the floor.

“Cain, just go away,” Joey requests.

“Fine, if you won’t talk to me, I’ll talk to you…” There’s a slight pause. “Little dove, I know I fucked up. Big time. The thing at the restaurant was more than fucked up.I’mfucked up! Butyoumakemebetter.You fill me with a happiness I haven’t had since before the accident with my parents. You make me want toliveandbreatheagain. I have something,someoneto live for now. Not just the dull life I was living. Now, it’s a bright, brilliant life with you. Don’t you see, Makaylie? You brought me back to life. I was dead inside until I found you, and I’m dying inside again without you.”

A wave of nausea hits me as he speaks. I bring my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knees. Joey sits down beside me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

“I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life making this up to you. I’m working on my controlling behavior. Hell, I’ll go to a fucking therapist if you think it will help. I need you, and I know you need me too. Even though you’re angry with me right now, and you’re shutting me out, I want you to know that I’ve never been in love before, but I am now. With you. Only you. It has always, and will only ever be you, Makaylie Rayne.”

My tears fall harder as I burst into full sobs on my knees while Joey rubs my back.

How can he say something so amazing to me right now?

Why is he even here? We broke up.

I feel like I’m trapped in a whirlpool, and I’m not only spinning out of control but drowning at the same time.

“Are you still there?” he asks as my sobbing becomes louder, and I can’t help the sullen sounds coming from my body. “Are you crying? Please don’t cry. I’m not trying to upset you. I never want to upset or hurt you again.Ever,” he says as my stomach churns. Saliva coats my mouth, and I know I’m going to be sick. My head shoots up as I scramble to the kitchen sink just in time for bile to burn all the way up as it lurches out of my throat.

“Shit, Makaylie,” Joey calls out as I dry wretch. She rushes over to me as I heave violently, but nothing is coming up other than foam.

Probably because I haven’t eaten.

“What’s going on? Makaylie, are you okay?” Cain yells as I heave again.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Cain pounds on the door.

“God, it sounds like you’re choking. Makaylie, let me in,” he calls out, persistently banging, my body flinching each time.

Hot tears stream down my face through my gut-wrenching heaves as Joey walks over to the door. All my emotion is trying to escape me at once, and it’s all becoming too much to bear.

“Cain, this is Joey. I think the best thing for Kaylie is for you to leave. You’re making her physically ill by being here. Cain, if you love her, then leave. You’re making things worse.”

“What do you mean she’s physically ill? Dammit, Joey, just open the fucking door, or so help me God, Iwillbreak it down.”

“Cain, haven’t you done enough damage? Just go and let me take care of her for now. You can try again another time when she’s feeling better. Just let her rest. Please, Cain, she needs to go to bed and sleep it off. I think you need to go and cool down a bit too.”

There’s silence for a moment, and finally, my stomach settles and stops heaving.

“Tell her I love her, and I’ll be waiting. Can you tell her to text me when she’s feeling better? Just so I know she’s okay? Joey… I can’t function without her.”

I rest my head against my arm on the sink and slump my tired body at his words.

“I know, Cain. I have to go now. Look after yourself, okay?” Joey calls out as she comes back over to me, and I turn on the tap, straightening myself up.

I feel dizzy.

My head spins like I’m trapped inside a tornado, and all I can see is black as my legs give way.



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