Page 28 of From the Ashes

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“Oh, I can tell. You’re such astrongguy… handsome too. I bet you have women falling all over you.” She leans forward, and her coat opens. Then, she moves just the right way for the curve in her dress to accentuate her breasts.

I stand back, rolling my eyes.

He looks down at her breasts and swallows hard, then to me. “She with you?” he asks Joey, sizing me up and down.

I furrow my brows.

“Yeah, she’s my girl,” Joey states cheerfully.

The security guard exhales and turns to me, curling up his lip in obvious disdain. “I’ll let you in. Just want to do a search on your friend.”

Joey scowls and huffs. “Seriously?” she asks, cocking her hip to the side.

“It’s fine, go for it.” I throw my hands out to the sides as he steps in and frisks me. I stand here as he runs his hands up and down my sides, patting me down, basically feeling me up as he checks every possible place for whatever he thinks I might be harboring.

He pulls back, and I sigh. “You’re clean. Sorry, love. Just doing my job. Hope you understand. You can go on through,” he states.

Joey’s eyebrows crease, and her hands ball into fists. She’s about to burst when I grab her hand, yanking her through the entry of the club before she can say anything to the douche security dude.

We pass through the door, entering the club to an even heavier bass thumping through the air. The room is dark, while green and pink neon lights strobe, making it hard to see clearly. It smells of alcohol and sweat, the air thick with humid heat. I tense up, already feeling like I want to go home. This isnotmy scene, but it is Joey’s, and I’m here to have fun with her.

“I should have punched him in his shriveled teeny-weeny cock,” Joey calls out loud, making a nearby guy turn to look at us as we keep walking toward the coat room.

Chuckling, I shrug. “It’s okay. I know I’m not that attractive at the moment. Didn’t know I looked like a junkie, though,” I admit.

“You’re beautiful, Kaylie. Always have been, always will be. Don’t worry about Steroid Stew out there.”

We arrive at the coat room and hang our coats. Joey checks me out, taking in my white dress, and smiles. “You look like a fucking angel. You innocent thing, you,” she chimes, grabbing my hand and yanking me back out of the small room, down the hall, and straight through the main dance floor.

Unlike Joey’s, my dress isn’t tight, especially since I lost weight these last few weeks, so as we move quickly through the crowd, the skirt flows with my movements. I can’t help but see the guys looking at us and wonder what they must be thinking.

Joey and I are complete opposites—her with her curves, long brunette hair, and sparkling short black dress, and me, with my slim build, short blonde hair, and flowing—just below the knee—white dress. We must look an odd pair, but I try not to let it get to me. I need to at least attempt to have some fun tonight. God knows, I’ve been in sulk town for the last three weeks.

Joey leads me to the bar.

The night is young, so it’s not heavily packed, but there are enough people in here to make me uncomfortable. I’m more the stay-at-home-Netflix-and-relax type of girl rather than a club-it-up one.

Joey pulls me against her, and we approach the front of the long, black marble bar. Behind the bar, the wall is mirrored with rows of glass shelves lined with expensive-looking alcohol. Under each shelf is a neon strip of blue light.

The bartender looks directly at Joey and smiles as he leans forward to hear over the persistent beat of the shitty music. “Two screaming orgasms, please,” Joey yells loudly, and he smirks as the guys standing next to us turn and chuckle. Joey ignores everyone and places her hands on my shoulders. “Right, you… I want you to let your hair down and…” She pauses, looking over my shoulder, and her jaw clenches as she ducks down slightly. “Fuck!” she murmurs, her eyes widening as she chews on her bottom lip.

My body tenses at her sudden change in demeanor, and I go to turn around, but she grabs my face in her hands to look at her. “Don’t turn around,” she tells me, and I instantly feel the hairs on my arms stand to attention. A shudder runs down my spine at the intense look in her eyes, and I shake free from her grip.

Spinning, I spot Cain instantly, in the corner of the club, with the red-haired woman, Selene, a man that’s good-looking but has a strange haircut, kind of like a short style on top, then shaved around the sides with a rat-tail at the back. I get an odd feeling from him. It’s like he has an aura of something dark. I’m unsure why Cain would want to be around him. There’s also someone else with them, maybe a man, but he’s standing back in the shadows, so I can’t make him out in the darkness. There is something about the group of people that Cain surrounds himself with.

He doesn’t belong with them.

He seems out of place among the vileness they are exuding.

Selene leans in, wrapping her arm around Cain’s waist as she clings to him like he’s her lifeline, and I turn my lip up in disgust at her show of affection for him.

But what I hate even more is how my body is reacting to seeing Cain.

He’s wearing his trademark jeans, tank top, and leather jacket and looks so fucking good I can’t stand it. My skin is riddled with goose bumps as my heart beats frantically. Every inch of me feels tingly, and my vision blurs, focusing only on him.

“Two screaming orgasms,” the bartender calls out, and I let out a deep breath as I break my gaze from Cain to turn to the bartender to pay him.

Joey’s eyes bore into me, and the heat from her gaze makes me uncomfortable as I turn to her, but she isn’t watching me. I slowly glance back over my shoulder, but it isn’t her gaze I can feel now—it’s his. The intense stare as he looks me up and down makes my knees weak while he stays stationary, though his eyes tell me he wants to run to me.

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