Page 3 of From the Ashes

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I tried to let her go.

Ishouldhave let her go.

But seeing her fall apart outside my door.


Every time I checked on her, she turned paler. Her eyes were bloodshot and watering. She was devastated.

It. Nearly. Killed. Me.

With every inch of willpower, I tried to leave her at my front door, knowing it was best this way. Then, when I saw her collapse and slam her head? Fuck, I swear I died a thousand deaths.

The fucked-up part of this is that I know this is going to end badly if I don’t do something about it. Yet, I don’t know how to move things along any quicker. I have to figure out how to keep Makaylie out of the Bachelors’ focal point—but how?

She’s a feisty little thing, and she’s going to want answers soon.

I don’t know how to give them to her.

I am between a rock and a hard place with no room to maneuver.

As soon as I finish tending to her wound, she smiles up at me with that fucking amazing smile, letting the dimple in her left cheek sink in a little.She’s so fucking gorgeous it takes my breath away every single time I look at her.

“Thank you. You have a delicate touch when you try. See, not always the dominant alpha guy.”

Swallowing hard, I weakly smile. “I know you have issues with my dominance. But Makaylie, I hope you see a little clearer why now.”

She sighs and shifts closer, pulling me to her with her legs. “Cain, I know your insecurities stem from what happened with your parents…” She struggles to find the right words, looking up to the ceiling. “Fuck, it was horrific! Losing control like that was terrible, but I’m not going anywhere. You don’t need to controlso muchof me.”

My shoulders tense. “If I don’t have control, Makaylie, it’s… how do I put it… it’s almost like a physical pain. I know that sounds fucked, but the minute I don’t have everything in my power and under control, my whole world turns to shit. It’s like that with you. I need to know where everything sits with you. I need to know where you are at all times. I need to know everything about you. I need to know you’re safe.”

She jolts back, raising her brow. “Safe? Safe from what?”


“Life. I’ve lost too much… I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you.”

I want to tell her all about my life, but I also don’t want her to leave.

I can’t.

I’m too invested.

She purses her lips, seeming unconvinced of my answer. I’m not entirely sure itwasa convincing answer either, but it was all I could come up with on the spot to throw her off from the truth.

“I am a stay-at-home writer. What couldpossiblyhappen to me?” she asks.

I let out a bemused laugh. More from the fact that a hell of a lot could happen to her in her own home than she has any idea about, rather than out in the big wide world.

But I won’t tell her that.

“You are right. Sometimes, I let the past rule my present life,” I cover and reach out, grabbing her hand with mine.

“I think you do too. I understand it, though. It was major. I get why it’s affected you so badly. I understand, Cain,” she reiterates, then leans in, gently pressing her lips to mine. Her soft, delicate lips warm mine with her touch.

A tingle ignites over my lips as she kisses me, my cock throbbing at the thought of taking her hard and fast tonight. My hand sweeps to the back of her neck, grasping tightly as I pull her to me. She whimpers into my mouth, not in pain, more in satisfaction. I yank her toward me, grinding my dick into her pussy and kissing kiss her.

The weight of today presses on me, making me slowly pull back, looking into her eyes. “Doctor first, fuck later.”
