Page 39 of From the Ashes

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He curls his lip up like he isn’t sure of my words, making me wonder if he knows something I don’t.

But how can he?

I don’t have any enemies.

So, who am I in danger from?No one.

He’s making this bigger than it needs to be.

“Just promise me that anything you hear me say or do that’s weird regarding you… like if I don’t know who you are or if I change your name, just know there’s a reason, and I’m protecting you, okay?”

My head jolts back, and I shake my head slightly. “Protecting me from who? Your friends? Like the Jessica thing?”

He nods, his breathing now becoming a little faster.

I steady myself. “So, you told Selene I was Jessica because you were protecting me… from Selene?”

He exhales and brings his hand up to caress my cheek. “Makaylie, I know it sounds strange, but I’m looking out for you.”

Sighing, I slump slightly and swallow hard, trying to understand. “Is this a control thing? You want to be in control of me so much that you only want certain friends of yours to know me?”

He raises his brow like he’s thinking about how to answer my question. To me, it’s a simple yes or no, and there shouldn’t be much thought involved in the answer.


“Yes. Some of my friends are a little… edgier than Rodberg. I don’t think they’d take to you quite so well. I don’t want you to know them. Basically, you’re too good for them, Makaylie.”

That’s not what I was expecting.

I thought he was ashamed of me all this time when, really, it’sthemhe’s ashamed of. He thinks I won’t like them, but he’s introduced me to Rodberg, and honestly, they can’t be worse than him—can they?

“But Iron Rod… I mean, they can’t be worse than him… right?”

He smiles wide and tilts his head. “Oh, little dove, they can be much, much worse than Iron Rod.”

“Then how are you friends? You don’t seem the type to like people who are… well, of a low standard?”

He shrugs. “Sometimes your friends choose you.”

Nodding, I wince slightly and then look into his eyes. “So if I never meet anyone other than Rodberg, how will this work? If your friends have parties… what? You’ll just go without me?”

He smiles. “I don’t tend to go to their parties anymore, little dove. I’d rather stay at home with you.”

That’s nice to hear, and honestly, it fills me with a sense of warmth and love from Cain that I’ve been needing. I lean up and kiss his lips hard, letting him know he won’t break me if he wants to kiss me back.

Cain’s hands lace around my waist, his thumbs tracing up my hips as he holds me, the water splashing down my spine sending waves of happiness through me. It’s nice to finally have a decent chat with Cain. I still feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing, but for now, I’m happy with what he’s giving me.

Undeniable love and affection.



A chill sweeps over me as the fog clears from my mind.

It’s still dark, and although Cain and I went to bed together, his presence is not next to me as I wake fully. Rolling over in the large king bed, I sit up, looking around his huge bedroom.

Pulling the covers away from my body, the chill of the air wafts through the early morning, and I reach out, grab a robe that Joey brought back from my apartment, and place it on over my pajamas as I head to the bathroom in search of Cain.
