Page 44 of From the Ashes

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She brings her hand up to squeeze mine. “I’ll be fine. You’ve looked after me so well these past few days. I’ve kept you and Rodberg from your work, and that’s not fair. Joey and I are safe here, right?” she asks.

Internally, I grimace. “I’ll probably go in on my own tonight. Rodberg will stay here with you both.”

Rodberg’s head snaps up like he’s shocked. I knew he would be. He knows what I could be walking into and wants to be with me for backup, but I’d rather have him here protecting the girls. His nostrils flare, and I shake my head subtly so he knows not to try and talk me out of it. Rodberg knows I’m stubborn as fuck, and I won’t change my mind, so there’s no point in even trying.

And he doesn’t. Instead, he sits back on the sofa with a huff. He glares in obvious annoyance, but I don’t care. The girls are more important than me. If I go down, it will be in hellfire, and there won’t be anything he can do to stop it. More importantly, he will go down, too, which means the girls would be left to fend for themselves.

I will not have that!

They must be protected.

“Do we have today to ourselves?” Makaylie asks, and I nod. “In that case, can we get out of the apartment for a while? We’ve been here for ages. Technically, I haven’t left the apartments for over four weeks other than the club. I need to get out and see the other side of these four walls.” Her eyes plead with me.

My muscles tense, and instantly, I shake my head. “No, that’s a bad idea, little dove.” I don’t give her a reason as to why. I just don’t want to risk it.

Makaylie’s eyes droop, and her mouth turns down. Her happy mood plummets right before my eyes.

I hate it.

“Cain, c’mon. If anyone was coming after me, don’t you think they would have by now? You’re being unreasonable. I’m suffocating. I need air, real air, and I need my freedom. I want to see other people…” She turns to look at the others. “No offense, guys. I want to be able to move around and live a little. Cain, please, just one hour? We can go for a walk and then come straight back. That’s all I’m asking, please. Please?” she begs.

I groan, then clench my jaw. My body shudders at saying yes, but keeping Makaylie cooped up here dulls her spark. I can’t keep doing that to her.

“Okay, what about walking to the waterfront, maybe down to Mississippi River Park, then coming straight back? Twenty minutes to get there, we can spend, say… twenty there, then come back. So we will be gone for an hour. How’s that?”

“Fuck! You’re such a pushover these days,” Rodberg quips.

I shoot him a death glare, and if he could shrivel up and die, I am sure he would have.

“Thank you, Cain, and I don’t think you’re a pushover. You’re amazing.” She leans up, gently pressing her lips to mine, and I kiss her back a little harder than I have been for the past week. I still haven’t gone there with her needing Makaylie to take the lead on that decision.

“Well, you can thank me by having a good time and doingexactlyas I say when we’re out,” I instruct.

She rolls her damn eyes. “Yes,sir.” She finishes with a salute.

“I see what you mean by alpha asshole, Kaylie.” Joey sneers.

I glare at Joey, but she smiles, seemingly unfazed by my hard stare.

The girl has balls.

“Oh, you have no idea, Joey,” Makaylie replies.

Rodberg bursts out laughing.

“What is this shit? An inter-fucking-vention?” I query.

“I like these girls. We should keep them,” Rodberg teases.

They both laugh, a little more exaggerated than needed.

“Come on, little dove, let’s go.” Placing out my hand for her to take, she does the opposite.

“What…now? What about my coffee?” Makaylie asks.

“We should go now. The crisp morning air will be good for us. Put on a scarf and some gloves to keep you warm.”

Joey bursts out laughing as Makaylie rolls her eyes.
