Page 43 of From the Ashes

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Trap will be on a warpath, so I’m going to have to take him out—no matter the cost.

A war is coming.

I feel it in my bones.

I just don’t want Makaylie to be caught in the crossfire.

The thing is, the Bachelors don’t know I’m out yet. So for now, to keep everyone safe, I must keep up the pretense until I can find a solid escape plan.

One that is going to keep everyone safe.

Otherwise, we might all end up as nothing more than ashes.

One Week Later

I’m certainly not looking forward to spending any time with Boss.

The man only shows his face occasionally, and now that our two biggest clients have departed, I know he’ll make an appearance to bust my balls for doing such a shit job of running the Bachelors.

But I can’t think about any of that right now.

It’s been an interesting week of helping Makaylie recover while having her and Joey living with Rodberg and me. Joey and Rodberg get on a littletoowell, but he’s happy for a change, and it’s keeping him occupied and away from Makaylie and me so I can spend all my time focused on her. The only thing I am concerned about is ensuring that she is coping. She’s a lot tougher than I gave her credit for. Makaylie has her moments, including flashbacks, that force her to zone out and stare off into space. But as for breaking into tears, she hasn’t done any of that since the night she found out I had an affiliation with Zorko.

She’s a fighter and trying to get on with life as best she can.

If he had succeeded with the rape, it might have been a different story, but all I can do is thank whatever fucking god there is out there that it didn’t happen. Because she isn’t completely broken, she’s just trying to get on with her life.

Taking a deep breath from my thoughts, I turn to Makaylie, who’s laughing as she jokes around with Rodberg and Joey on the sofa. I weakly smile, thinking how different life could have been if I were five minutes later. Shaking my head, I can’t think of that. That shit will eat me alive and cause my blackened heart to react when what’s needed is a cool head.

“Cain, seriously, tell me that’s not true?” Joey calls out to me as I walk into the living room.

“I’m not sure what the rumor is, but I can neither confirm nor deny,” I reply, and she chuckles.

“You won’t deny that you read the Kamasutra in public?” she asks.

“Oh, that’s true. I keep a broad range of reading materials at hand.” I wink at Makaylie, and she grins as I sit on the leather sofa next to her. My arm flows around the top of her shoulders effortlessly as she easily snuggles into my side. It’s comfortable being with this beautiful woman in the confines of my home. It’s when I have to go out and face the world that I’m less confident.

“This is awesome. How did we not meet you two sooner?” Joey asks as she bumps into Rodberg’s side.

He smirks. “Delayed gratification, sweetheart. I’m worth the wait,” Rodberg replies.

For fuck’s sake!I roll my eyes.

Joey snorts, poking him in the ribs.

He grins at Joey and turns to me. “Cain, I ah… hate to burst your cute-as-fuck little bubble you have going on there, but you’ve spent a week away, working solely from your phone…” he pauses, looking like he’s choosing his words carefully, “… you’re gonna need to go in soon. You know, to keep up appearances and all,” Rodberg reminds me, breaking me from my happy place and snapping me back into a very harsh, very cold fucked-up reality. The one where I’m the second-in-charge of an underworld crime ring and have a duty to perform. An establishment that I’ve been single-handedly screwing up for the last few months.

I’m in hot water.

Zorko is dead.

The governor is out.

We have no deals coming in.

I know I am in for a world of hurt. I just don’t know when or how my reign will fall. But when the inferno hits, everything will blaze until there is nothing but ash remaining.

I let out a heavy sigh. “Give me today. I’ll go in tonight,” I reply, glancing at Makaylie almost for approval.Since when do I need approval?
