Page 17 of Notorious

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Alpha chuckles, sliding in and leaning over me, his arm slipping in beside mine, his front pressing to my back as he leans over me, his cock pressed against my ass. A smile lights my face as his lips move in touching my ear, that scratchy beard tickling my cheek just as I thought it would. “Just for the record, that blood… it only serves to make you that much fucking hotter,” he growls out into my ear, his voice deep, sexy, full of lust.

It sends a jolt straight to my clit, making it throb. He slowly pulls back from me, a low chuckle emanating from his throat as he goes.He knows exactly what he’s doing, the asshole.

My head is spinning, so I take a deep breath. My body tingles when I turn back to line up the shot again. My breathing is faster, more erratic, my head swirling with indecent thoughts as I pull the cue back, then hit. The white ball slams into the black, and they barrel toward the corner pocket. The black sinks, and I stand, letting out a celebratory laugh, but it is quickly extinguished when the white ball follows the black into the same pocket, losing me the game.

Alpha throws his hands into the air, laughing as I spin my head around to glare at him, tossing the cue down on the table. “You! You don’t play fair. You put me off my game. That’s bad sportsmanship, Alpha.”

He continues to laugh, taking two big strides to me, raising his brow and leaning in so close I can smell the tequila on his breath. Somehow, the smell of the alcohol and his leathery scent is incredibly intoxicating that my breathing hitches. “You’re a sore loser, sweetheart.”

My mouth widens as he waggles his brows at me smugly. I go to shove him away, but his arms reach out, grabbing me, pulling me closer, and my body slams against his chest. Our eyes lock, and his hand comes out, gripping my hair in a tight fist. My adrenaline spikes, my breathing frantic as I stare into his eyes. Instinctively, I bite my bottom lip while the energy between us crackles and pops. My fingers grip his leather cut before a slow smile crosses my lips. “I play to win, Alpha.”

A low growl rumbles from his chest. “I like a woman who knows what she wants.”

The air around us sizzles as we both breathe faster. My clit throbs when I feel Alpha’s cock growing hard against me. “I’m pretty sure I know what I want.”

“Tell me.” A charming smile lights his face.

It’s been so fucking long since I have been with a man. The Nest keeps me busy, but an opportunity presents itself here and now.

Alpha is hot. There isno fucking doubtabout that. But the first rule of being a Bird isneverlet your guard down.

I’ve already done that tonight by getting drunk and spending hours with Alpha.

If my cover is blown, then I am already dead.

So what’s the harm in having a damn good time?

My breath catches, our lips barely a hair’s breadth apart, the energy sparking between us as I stare into his eyes. My heart is rapidly beating in my chest as I figure now is the time to decide how far I want to push the boundaries. “I have a room in the motel. Go there with me,now.” It’s more of a demand than a question, my lips almost touching his.

A low growl reverbs from his chest. He pulls back from me, takes my hand in his, and starts pulling me toward the exit. I let out a small exhale, relieved we’re on the same wavelength, my feet running to keep pace with him.

This goes against everything I have been taught.

Against everything I have been trained to do.

Against everything, period!

But I need room to breathe.

I need one night.

Just one night to feel human.

Like a normal woman.

I need to just be Haven. Then, in the light of the morning, I can go back to being Blue Jay. I can say goodbye to Alpha, never have to worry about seeing him again, and return to my life as an assassin of The Nest.

But right now, I’m going to focus all my attention on Alpha and the electrifying sex I can already tell we’re going to have.




That’s exactly what she’s going to be for me tonight.

My haven.
