Page 102 of Stand and Defend

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“Yeah,” my dad answers, smiling. “You heard about their expansion?”

Jordan sits back in her seat and slowly nods as she chews. “Who presented the offer?”

“H&H sent it over.”

“Hm.” She furrows her brow and blots her mouth with a napkin. “Did you accept?”

“Considering it.”

“Let’s chat after dinner,” she says to my dad, and they nod as if they’re communicating in some secret code. Whatever’s going on, it doesn’t sound good. Now I’m curious. If it has to do with H&H, the Davenports are involved.

Jordan makes eye contact with me, and we stare at each other for a moment until she looks away. I can tell she’s bothered.

Jordan and my dad are in his study, so I wander in and take a seat on the leather sofa, my arms stretched over the back as I eavesdrop.

“They don’t have the assets to make an expansion like that, certainly not one to have such a high return. There’s no way.” Sounds like there’s some shady shit going on. “Have you ever seen a guaranteed return like this? In this timeframe?”

“I mean, Bluetower hit record speeds with their new wireless development. I saw the reports.”

I have no fucking clue what they’re talking about, but I’m not about to get in the middle of this.

She smiles. “Who supplied those reports?”

My dad scratches the back of his neck.

Jordan continues, “The tests failed at the demo. They aren’t supposed to be retesting until next spring. The technology isn’t there yet. And based on the data I saw, it won’tbe for years.” They go on for a bit more, speaking techno-babble and going way over my head.

“What are you trying to say, Jordan?” I ask, point blank. They spin around to face me, then she looks back at my dad.

“I’m sayingdon’tinvest. There’s no way Bluetower is going to generate a return with those numbers. But—and this is very important—I need you to keep all of this between us. Politely decline the offer, say you’re going with NexTech or something. That’s been on the rise lately.”

He furrows his brow. “Yeah, I bought some of their stock last week. You know your stuff... Okay. I’m going to go out on a limb and trust you. I’ll reject the proposal... You’re sure about all this? One hundred percent?”

“I’d bet my life on it.”

“Okay.” He sighs. “I’ll cancel the meeting.”

She releases a deep exhale, and her shoulders relax.

“Thanks, Jordan. I appreciate the heads-up.”

“You’re welcome. I appreciate your delicacy on the matter.”


She smiles and claps her hands. “Alright, I’m going to grab a slice of pie before I rain on any other parades.”

I track her with my eyes until she leaves the room. Dad tilts his head toward the kitchen.

“That the woman you wanted the car for?”

I nod.


“What’shm?” He stares at me like he’s trying to read my mind. “Just ask me, old man.”

“You like her?”
