Page 109 of Stand and Defend

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With a patronizing voice, I mock, “What’s the matter, baby? You want to come, is that it? Are you so tense you can hardly stand it?” I add pressure to her clit, level my eyes with her and growl, “Tell me you've felt this with another man. Lie to me, I dare you. I can feel your pussy trying to suffocate me. You fucking love this.”

She stills.

“Admit I’m your type, and I’ll make you feel so good.”

She swallows and shakes her head. That pisses me off.Why won’t she say it?We are great together.

“It’s not up to you anymore.” If she won’t accept I’m her type, I’ll prove it to her with the best orgasm she’s ever had.

I let my fingers work her clit the way she needs to get off. I know what she likes; I’ve studied her body, her movements, her sounds, everything. I can bring her to the brink in less than a minute.

I sit up on an elbow and turn her chin toward me. “Look at me.”

Her eyes open, filled with darkness and desire and tears. In the back of my mind, I’m screaming at myself to pull away, to stop. She’s under my skin, burrowed into my soul, and I hate it.Goddamn it, Jordan! Let me be your type!

I can’t wait. It’s as if she can hear my thoughts, because finally,finally,her lips part.

“You’re my type,” she whispers.

My lips crash to hers, and I come like a fucking firehose. Every thrust is so satisfying.

Her body quakes as she whimpers my name over and over.

“Fuck, Sunshine. Where have you been all my life? I should have gotten with you a long time ago. It would have saved us both a lot of trouble, wasting all our time fucking the wrong people.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, Iregret them, it’s too much, too fast. Thankfully, my audible stream of consciousness is drowned out by her pleasure. I ignore my admission and draw her close, and she collapses against me. I thread our fingers together and hug her body to mine from behind. Only stopping to lift her hand and press my lips to her knuckles.

We lie in silence for an amount of time that isn’t long enough, but eventually, she gets up and we clean each other off in the shower. I help dry her off, then she pulls on a baggy T-shirt and the men’s sweatpants I bought earlier. I wash and slip my piercings back in before we crawl into bed. Normally, I’m not one to lay around all day, but I can imagine nothing better than spending today in bed with Jordan, watching the black waters outside rush by. I’m perfectly content with her proximity.

Her fingertips trace my jaw line as she looks up at me, resting her chin on my chest. Damn, I could get used to this. “Three good things,” she says.

I smile and slide my hand through her wet hair. For whatever reason, that question makes me weak.

“Taking away your pain with my dick? Pretty awesome... Seeing my family fawn over you was something. And... this.” I pull her up and lock my lips on hers. This time when I kiss her it feels different. It’s not intense like last time after Bryan left. It’s gentle. It’s comfortable and safe. It’s familiar.It’s Jordan.

“Could you see us as more than friends?” I ask.

“What?” She closes on me.

“Dating, being exclusive with each other.”

She tucks a hair behind her ear. “I did at one time... but I respect your stance on keeping things casual. I don’t want to tie you down. I’m happy with what we have now. This is better.”

Fucking figures. I finally find a woman who I can see myself with—who Iwantto tie me down—and I’ve already convinced her we can’t be more. I talked her out of a relationship with zero foresight into whatcouldbe. What a fucking idiot.

“I know, I just?—”

“Wait, is that what you want now? To be in a relationship?” She detaches from me and sits up. Shit.

“I don’t know.”

With wide eyes, she puffs out her cheeks and plants her hands on her hips before exhaling. “What the fuck, Cam? Seriously?”

“I saidI don’t know. I wouldn’t be opposed to trying it out.”

“The sex is great—no, the sex isphenomenal—but what I needed from a relationship previously isn’t enough now. I can’t ask you to be the man I need. That wouldn’t be fair.”

“I see. So what do you need?”

“I don’t want to worry about what happens when I’m not around. I need someone who will kneel at my feet and let everyone know I’m theirs. I need to be their one and only. I’m finally in a good place. I can’t give up my heart for something you want totry out.Especially not with you. You’re my closest friend. It’s too risky.”
