Page 123 of Stand and Defend

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My arms fall to my sides. “Thank you.”

He pulls me into his lap, pressing my chest to his. His mouth finds my neck, he sucks on my skin and bites. I let out a small moan, and he whispers behind my ear, “But in the bedroom, you kneel forme.”

I wrap my arms around his neck. “I can agree to that,” I mumble against him.

He holds me to his chest, and I rest my head on his shoulder, breathing in his clean scent. I didn’t think I’d ever hand my heart over to another man, but this is Cam. He makes me feel alive. He draws down one of my arms and presses his lips to my wrist before kissing me.

“You’re my best friend,” I say.

“You’re my best friend too.”

“Our families will talk.”

“Let them.”

I smile and sit up, cupping his cheeks and bringing his mouth to mine.

“Are you still going to Monaco?”

Sigh. “I told my parents I would. They want to see me... I’m sorry.”

He nods, and his hands travel under the hem of my shirt. “Don’t apologize. Just know you can always come home early if you need to.” His fingers slide behind my bra clasp.

“Wait, wait, wait!”

He stops kissing me and blinks.

“I have to finish this haircut.”

He rolls his eyes. “Topless.” He finishes unhooking my bra and peels my shirt over my head. “Much better.” He sucks a nipple into his mouth and pops off.Fuck.“What are we doing after this?”

“Actually, I’ve got a meeting with my lawyer and financial adviser in an hour, after that, I’m all yours.”

“Good. We’ve got nearly five days to make up for, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about all the ways we’re going to do it.”

Sean, my lawyer, stands, stuffing papers into his briefcase. We had a successful exchange with Bryan’s lawyers, he’s starting to cooperate, even my attorney is suspicious.

“Okay, well, as long as your financial status is back in order, do we have any other business?”

I look over at Robert, my portfolio manager. “I need to withdraw more money.”

“Sure. How much?” He places his hands on the keyboard and begins typing.

“Twenty thousand in cash... Also, I need a sixteen-million-dollar anonymous donation to Minneapolis PD.”

Robert’s typing ceases, and Sean’s head falls backward,and he stares at the ceiling before slowly dropping his gaze to me. He tosses his hands in the air. “What the fuck?”

“It’s unrelated.”

“Ha!” Sean laughs without a trace of humor and stands. “I’m leaving before I hear something I shouldn’t. Jordana, reach out when you’re ready to press those assault charges.”

I nod. After he leaves, Robert stares at me for a moment, then rolls back in his chair. With steepled fingers against his lips, he looks me head-on.

“Jordana, my job is to manage your money. But this...? It’s not my place to ask, but is there something going on I should know about?”

“I like you, Robert. You’ve worked for my family a long time, but you’re right, it’s not your place to ask.”

We have a miniature stare down before he sucks his teeth and returns to the keyboard, making the necessary wire transfers.
