Page 80 of Only For You

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A line popped up between Will’s brows. “I miss the little guy.”

My heart palpated at the thought of Seb because I missed him like crazy, too. We’d spent all morning with him that day and the day before, but the festival was in full swing, and the crowds atThe Stop hadn’t slowed since Thursday. It had been forty-eight hours of complete madness.

“Perhaps we should have bought him a little suit and tie and taken him with us?” I reimagined the reflection of Will and me with Seb in a baby-sized tux tucked into the crook of Will’s arm. The thought made me all warm and mushy inside.

“And give him a few dollars’ worth of chips?” Will quipped with a cocked brow. “Set up his highchair at the high rollers table?”

“Why not?” I fidgeted with an earring to be sure the clasp was attached securely to the back. “Kid’s got to learn some time.”

Will returned to his reflection, unnecessarily yanking at the bottom of his jacket. “Yeah. Right.”

Checking the time on my phone before dropping it into my little purse, I gave my outfit a final once-over in the mirror, then turned towards the door. “It’s show time, babe.”

When he didn’t reply, I touched his arm. “Babe? It’s time to go.”

“Yep, okay.” Will fiddled with his tie again. “I’m almost ready.”

I dropped my head to the side and regarded Will with concern. Perhaps this was more than just nerves. I twisted my fingers into his and led him over to the edge of the bed.

“Come sit with me for a second,” I said.

He dropped down beside me and then stared at his open palms in his lap.

“Will?” I asked gently. “What’s wrong?”

He sighed and shook his head. “It’s been a month, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah.” I rubbed his back in soothing circles. “There’s been a lot of change, and you’ve managed it so well.”

He huffed out a dry chuckle. “Have I? Seb’s spent as much time with you and my mother as he has with me, maybe even more. Doesn’t make me feel like much of a father. At least, not a very good one.”

My heart broke for him, and I wished he could see what I did. “Oh, babe. You’re doing a wonderful job, especially given the circumstances. Once this weekend is over, you’ll have a lot more time for daddy duties.”

He cast me an amused sideways look.


“Nothing.” He dropped his head again. “Have you had any news on your apartment?”

I drew back, caught off guard by his question. “I, uh… No,” I lied. “Nothing yet.”

He nodded. “When this weekend is over, we need to work out what comes next because I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend, and I’ve leaned on you a lot these last weeks with Seb. You’ve been amazing, and—”

“Babe, it’s okay.” Anticipation bordering on apprehension stirred in my middle. Was Will going to ask me to go—or did he want me to stay? I was surprised by how badly I wanted it to be the latter, and a flutter of fear had me changing the subject before he could suggest I move back to my apartment. “We can worry about all that later. You’ve worked hard to get to tonight, and you deserve to enjoy the moment. Look at what you’ve achieved! This is your chance to celebrate. This whole town is so proud of you, Will. Your mum and Ray, my parents, our friends. If Seb were old enough to know what an incredible man his dad is, he’d be proud of you, too.”

Will twisted his head to look up at me, and his eyes were those of a little boy. I blinked back tears.

“I’mproud of you,” I whispered.

An odd sense of foreboding washed over me, that familiar but uneasy sense of waiting without knowing for what, and I tried to tell myself it was a natural reaction to this conversation—the anxiety of not knowing what Will wanted for our future, the discomfort of spending hours away from Seb, and the pressurefor tonight to be a success. But I wasn’t fooled. This feeling was different. I knew this feeling. Change was coming.

Will took hold of my hand and kissed the back of it, and we left for the party.



Birdie had said itwas a poker tournament, but it was so much more than that.
