Page 96 of Only For You

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“It would have been impossible,” I agreed, moving my hands to her breasts and flicking her nipples with my thumbs. I gazed up at her lithe, powerful frame above me and rode another satisfying surge ofmine. I’d reminded myself of that fact a lot today. It felt so fucking good. “But not because of the sex, right?”

“Well…” Abbie leaned forward just enough to tuck her feet underneath her arse, and in a twisty yoga move that made me sweat, she slipped her toes between my thighs and used them to cup my balls. I let out a strangled grunt, and then she began to bounce.

“Okay…Fuck!” I clenched my jaw and focussed on not blowing my load. “The sex is part of it.”

Abbie laughed, but her eyes were closed, and moisture beaded across her chest as she rocked her hips over mine. She was so beautiful that I sat up just so I could wrap my arms around her waist. I held her against me hard enough to let her know I’d never let her go.

She hooked her legs around my waist and gripped tighter with her thighs. She rode me as we clung to each other, sweatmingling and our bodies slipping against each other, our mouths meeting messily in the middle as we breathed in the same air. She was mine, and I was hers.

“I love you,” I told her as her climax hit, her pussy tightening around me and sending me over the edge.

I flew apart with her mouth at my ear and her voice ushering me into oblivion. “William Kidd. I love you too.”



I took the nightoff. Jess and Logan had organised a bonfire for the crew, and I didn’t want to miss it. For the first time in a long time, I was relaxed enough to enjoy some time away from my work.

I held Abbie’s hand on the way down to the bar to check things out before we went to the beach. I hadn’t done a lot of hand-holding in my time, not with a woman who was my girlfriend, and I liked it so much I might never let her go.

The place was full, mostly locals, but also the kind of tourists we were used to seeing year-round. Couples, young families, and empty nesters who loved our town just as much as they did Valentine’s Day. My regular cover band played on the stage, the smell of roasted garlic wafted from the kitchen, and the mood was upbeat but no longer frenetic. I preferred it this way.

“You got those drinks ready?” I asked Steph, pulling Abbie with me as I slipped behind the bar. I was looking for theoversized coolers I’d left in the kitchen to be filled with beers and bottled cocktails.

“Your boys came by and collected them about half an hour ago,” Steph answered over her shoulder. “Told me to tell you to get your arse down to the beach as soon as you could.”

“Noted,” I said, but I moved further into the kitchen first, towing Abbie along. She came without protest, which made me feel awesome. “Noa? All good here?”

“All good, boss.”

“I’m only as far as the beach if you need me, all right? Call if things get too busy.”

Noa nodded with amused patience. “Will do, but if we can survive the number of plates we served this weekend, we can manage tonight just fine.”

“And everything’s all set for the food stall at the street markets tomorrow?”

“All set.”

“Thanks for all your help, Noa.” I clapped him on the back, then wound my arm around Abbie without dropping her hand. She leaned into me like it was the most natural thing in the world. “Not just for tonight and tomorrow or for this weekend, but also for your support with Seb—all the advice and the food. I appreciate it.”

Noa grinned and pretended to wipe away a tear. “You’re going to make me cry, boss.”

Abbie chuckled as we said our goodbyes.

On our way to the front door, Abbie stalled as a woman stood from a booth and waved hesitantly at her. It took me a minute to recognise her as the woman at the bar the other night. The one who Abbie told me to kiss on the cheek.

“Liberty?” Abbie gave her a quick one-armed hug, which surprised me. I didn’t realise they were close.

“Hi, Abbie.” Liberty’s eyes bounced to me and away again before she thrust out her hand for me to take. “Hi, Will. I’m Liberty Carmichael. We met the other night—”

“I remember.” I shook her hand politely. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“I didn’t know you were still in town. Is Adam here?” Abbie asked before she whipped her head around to look across the bar. “I thought he left for the city this morning.”

“Adam?” I had no idea what was going on.

Liberty shifted on her feet and clutched her purse in front of her body. “Ah, no. Adam’s not here, and he did leave for the city this morning, but, uh… It turns out that we don’t live too far from each other, and we’re going to have dinner later in the week.”
