Page 97 of Only For You

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Abbie squeaked and dropped my hand to embrace Liberty again, this time with a more enthusiastic hug that made the other woman grunt before she laughed and returned the embrace.

“Thanks,” she said as Abbie let her go. I was stupidly pleased when Abbie collected my hand again. I preferred having her fingers twisted in mine at all times.

“We’re just on our way down to the beach for a party,” Abbie said. “Do you want to join us?”

“That’s so nice, but I’m on my way home. I just wanted to drop in to talk to Will, actually.”

“Me?” I looked at Abbie to see if she knew what this was about, but she looked as surprised as I was. Fuck. Had my little kiss on her cheek given her ideas? I was searching for ways to let her down gently when she spoke.

“Yes.” Liberty’s brows drew down. “Adam told me you’ve bought the warehouse next door because you have plans to build a brewery?”

I scratched my cheek, totally thrown off guard. “Ah, yes?”

“And he also told me that you lost an investor after what happened at the poker tournament the other night.” I must have looked lost because she added, “After the fight, your potential business partner cancelled your deal?”

Heat crept up my neck, but this was part of owning my actions, right? The good and the bad. Facing the music. Admitting when I was wrong. Doing the thing my father was never able to do and being a better man than he ever was.

“He did.”

Liberty nodded thoughtfully. “Well, I’m interested.”

“You’re… interested?”

I’m such an idiot because my head jumped back to the kiss again, and I assumed she was interested inme.

“You want to… invest in Will’s business?” Abbie clarified.

“Mm-hm.” Liberty opened her purse and pulled out a business card. I took it, and Abbie looked at it over my shoulder.

“Liberty’s Angels,” I read out loud. “What’s this?”

“I’m an app developer,” she said. “I create retail and consumer goods platforms, and my last app just sold fora lotof money.” Liberty seemed to hear what she’d just said, and her cheeks turned pink. “It wouldn’t have been possible without a seed investment, and I promised myself that I’d pay it forward if I ever had the chance. So, I’ve set up an angel investment firm, and I’m looking for start-ups who fit my ethos.”

“And what’s your ethos, exactly?” I asked. Surely, it wasn’t to work with playboy single-dad bartenders who punched other men for insulting their girlfriends.

Liberty gripped her purse hard enough that her knuckles turned white. If I didn’t know better, I’d have said she was nervous. “I want to work with good people. Decent people. People who are kind to strangers, love their families, work hard, and own their mistakes.”

Abbie’s eyes narrowed. “Did Adam put you up to this?”

“Adam?” Liberty shook her head. “God, no. I haven’t told him about my money yet. But I will! It’s just that…” She sighed. “Men can get a little… weird… when they find out I make more than them.”

“Not Adam,” Abbie reassured her, but then she frowned. “And if he tries any of that toxic bullshit, you send him my way. I’ll kick his arse for you.”

Liberty’s mouth twitched. “Thanks.” Then she looked at me. “So, will you think about my offer?”

I glanced at the card again, dumbstruck that securing money for my brewery was back on the table. I’d resigned myself to years of slow, hard work just to clear my debt and manage small-batch brewing before I’d ever be able to grow.

“I will definitely think about it,” I replied.

Liberty smiled. “Good. My number and email address are on the card. And I’ve already got some ideas for your sales platform.” She blushed again. “But we can talk about that later if you decide to call.”

“I’ll call,” I assured her. “And thank you.”

Liberty said her goodbyes, and I waited for the door to swing closed behind her before I spun to Abbie in disbelief. The grin on her face was wide enough to make her cheeks pop, and I swung her up into my arms, spinning her around as she laughed.

“I’m so proud of you, babe,” she said.

“I think you had a lot to do with this.” I read the card again, just to make sure I hadn’t dreamed it. “Your kindness is what Liberty was referring to.”
