Page 14 of Cass' Vow

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Pointing her finger at me she says, “This conversation isn’t over.” As she turns, leaving back out the way she came.


Something is happeningwith Cass but I can’t for the life of me figure out what. I’ve noticed a few things in the last couple of weeks.

One is that she flinches whenever someone makes sudden movements around her. It doesn’t happen during our private classes but I think maybe that’s because she is expecting it? The day she gave me the picnic invitation, I thought she was going to wet herself when I stepped out of the gym unexpectedly.

Two, she is always watching the door. No matter where she is or what she is doing. She has an eye on everyone in the gym, the Poison Pen shop, and even the grocery store.

Three and most concerning, I was putting in some new water pipes at the apartment over Poison Pen, where she lives, and I noticed she hasn’t unpacked.

All her belongings are kept in a duffel bag right inside the door. It’s as if she is ready to run any moment.

I’ve been trying to talk to Taylor about it but he’s building a big custody case so he hasn’t had any spare time.

Atka is occupied with wedding planning and making his final decision between family law and criminal law.

Since I haven’t been able to get any information from the guys, I’ve taken to making myself available.

Fighting was my life but my Dad was in construction and I grew up being his helper. I overheard Arin asking Taylor about work she needed to be done on the building, so I volunteered.

If I happen to be in the grocery store when Cass is there, I have to eat too. The office supply store, when she is running errands for Arin, I do have an office.

It might seem like I’m stalking her but this town isn’t that big, so running into her in random places isn’t that crazy. Plus this way if I see anyone giving her trouble, I can keep her safe.

Last night I stopped in to see if Arin had anything for me to do and overheard the ladies talking about food.

Cass was saying how she wanted Chinese food but they were too busy to take a break and the Chinese restaurant closes before the shop does.

So when I left, I placed an order and kept it warm. Then just before closing, I left it on her doorstep.

Women always throw themselves at me. I’m not used to being the one doing the chasing but something about Cass won’t let me walk away. Maybe it’s time to call out the big guns?

Pulling out my phone I dial Austin’s number.

“Hello?” A sleepy female voice answers.
