Page 15 of Cass' Vow

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Oh shit, Austin’s wife answered. She works at Poison Pen in White Summer, Montana so her hours are as crazy as Cass’. Plus they have a toddler and a little one on the way.

“I’m sorry, did I wake you? This is Jake.” I answer.

“Jake from State Farm? What are you wearing?”

I forgot how much of a smart-ass these Poison Pen women are.

“Is Austin available?”

“No, he went for a run. Is there something I can help you with, Jake from State Farm?”

Deciding Lily can probably answer my questions better anyways, I clear my throat.

“I actually wanted to ask about Cassandra.”

Suddenly the sleepiness is gone from her voice.

“Is she hurt? Is something wrong?”

“No. Nothing like that. It’s just... she, well she seems jumpy and nervous.”

“Can’t really tell you anything but she’s been through some shit. Do me a favor Jake, Don’t mess with Cass unless you’re serious.”

Why did Lily automatically jump to ask if Cass was hurt?

I want to ask her more but I hear Cordy, Austin’s daughter crying in the background.

“Jake I’ve gotta go attend to the Crotch Goblin. Princess Cordelia is demanding food.”

The line goes silent and I think she has hung up but then I hear, “Jake if you hurt her there are a lot of places in Alaska to hide a body.”

Once more there is silence on the line and when I look at my phone screen, the call is disconnected.

Never have I ever before been so hung up on a woman that rejected me. Not only has she rejected me, she has rejected me multiple times. Maybe I should just give up but I’m drawn to her in a way I’ve never experienced before.

The first time I got up the balls to ask her out was at the picnic. She shot me down so fast, but something just won’t let me walk away.

I’m going to ask her again tonight. I believe the shop is closed so she won’t have any valid excuses. Maybe this will be the last time? Begging is not my style.

Locking up at the gym I head for the shower. Feeling the hot water beating down on my head I close my eyes and imagine Cass stroking my cock. Her gentle yet strong hands glide and stroke me until I feel ready to explode.

Just as I’m about to finish I open my eyes, all I see in front of me is the shower wall and it’s my own hand stroking me. Instead of coming, my cock deflates.

Letting out a growl, I shut off the water and get dressed.
