Page 17 of Cass' Vow

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“No.” I say firmly and start to turn away before spinning back his way. “When are you going to stop asking anyway?” I demand with a hand on my hip.

His grin goes even wider as he steps closer to me. As close as he can get without the two of us even touching. “When I get a different answer.” He whispers.

“A different answer?” I ask.

“Hm-hm.” He shakes his head, eyes sparkling.

“What makes you think I’d ever give you a different answer?” I demand.

“Come on, Cassandra, live a little.”

His eyes are so sincere that my comeback dies in my throat. Besides, if I finally have just one dinner with him then maybe then I can have some peace back without having to worry about him always asking me out.

“Fine.” His eyes looked shocked for a split second.

“Fine? That means yes?”

“Yes but I have some rules.” I say quickly before he can get too excited.

“Okay. Let’s hear these rules.”

“First, there will be no touching of any kind.”

“Hmm, okay. Any more?”

“Second kind of goes with number one but it’s important to say it. No sex. None. Ever.”

He stares at him with that same grin for several long seconds.

“Not ever you say?” He asks, coming closer yet again. “I’ll agree to your rules but I’m not responsible if you break your own rules.”

“That will never happen!” I step back from him.

“We shall see. See you tonight then?” He asks but turns away without my answer, whistling as he walks down the aisle.

“But where are we going?” I ask quickly and he turns around.

“The Winter Dance. See you later.” His smile is on full display and I’m wondering if he overheard me telling Arin that I absolutely would not be at that dance tonight.

There’s no way I can just stand there with him at a dance without looking like a huge ass just so I can keep to my number one rule. Fucking hell.

What the fuck did I just agree to?
