Page 16 of Cass' Vow

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Chapter 5


As I walk through thegrocery store, my eyes constantly scan the area around me.

While I’ve been doing that since I started this journey months ago, these days it's more about finding Jacob everywhere I go.

I now expect to see him. Sometimes I even feel relieved when I realize he’s there as if I’ve started to rely on his presence. I’m not convinced that’s a good thing.

Then again, it could just be all this pent up sexual energy I’ve had since meeting him. The man is hot as hell. I can’t deny that fact.

Every single woman for a hundred miles sighs when speaking about the cute gym instructor. He could have any number of them but I’ve never seen him look at them with anything other than the respect he shows everyone.

The only person he seems to go out of his way for is me. It has my nerves going haywire. I’m not sure if he’s just wanting sex or something more.

Both of those things come with problems. Problems I’m not too sure that I am even remotely ready to deal with.

I’m still not planning to stay here even though I’ve been here longer than any other place. It’s only a matter of time before Lincoln tracks me down.

I know for a fact he’ll never just give up. Let me go. He always said it would take death to separate us.

Looking back now, there were so many red flags that I shouldn’t have ignored. Him taking me away and isolating me from everyone I knew before him was the first one.

At the time, I thought he just wanted more time with me. Like some crazy romantic, I went along with what he wanted. I see now that I was just stupid.

Now, because of my mistakes, I’m on the run with no plans to slow down. I know eventually though, I will need to slow down. Surely, I can’t keep this up forever.

“Cass?” I hear at the same time as a hand lands on my shoulder and I jump. “Hey. Didn’t mean to scare you. I said your name several times but you seemed lost in thought. You okay?” Jake asks with concern.

“I’m fine. What are you doing here?” I say mostly to distract him but he grins knowingly.

“Same as you. Need to pick up some things from the store.”

“Strange how you always need things at the same time as I do.” I narrow my eyes at him.

“Really? I didn’t notice.” He says, turning to inspect some tomatoes before placing them in his buggy and turning to the green onions.

Deciding to ignore him, turn away determined to head down another aisle.

“What are you having for dinner?” His question holds me up and I know yet again what’s coming.

“Out with it.” I sigh, rolling my eyes before looking at him straight on.

“Out with what?” He asks innocently.

Surely this man doesn’t think I’m that stupid. He always asks me the same damn question once he gets done beating around the bush.

“The question you always ask me that always gets you the same exact answer. Just ask already so I can go home.”

“Okay then. Have dinner with me?” He grins and I have an overwhelming urge to flip him off for some reason.
