Page 46 of Cass' Vow

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Isaid my goodbyesand drove my bike over to the Midnight Sons Motorcycle garage.

Eagle is going to give it a tune up and store it for me. I’ve sworn him to secrecy, I didn’t want long drawn out goodbyes.

From there one of his guys drives me to the airport to catch my flight. Before I know it, I’m back in California meeting the detective I’ve been talking to at the airport.

The police know that Lincoln was in Alaska, presumably to see me. I tell them that he did come to see me but we got in a fight and I haven’t seen him since. Technically, it’s the truth.

After leaving the police station, I go see the lawyer to find out my rights and how Lincoln being missing affects me.

I thought this would be an easy process but I was wrong. There are so many things to sort out and paperwork to sign as they appoint me trustee of the estate.

For the next five years, I have to run everything as if Lincoln is coming back but as soon as he can be legally declared dead, it’s all going on the market. I want none of it.

It takes almost six weeks to hire people and put them in positions to operate the various businesses, including the film studio.

I’ve been run ragged but finally everything seems to be in order.

The further I get from California the lighter my heart is. I’m somewhere over the Pacific when I call Arin.

“Bitch you better be calling to tell me you’re coming home!” She blurts out before I even say hello.

“Arin, I’m coming home. My flight lands in two hours.” I respond, laughing at her. “Do me a favor though. Please don’t tell anybody.”

We talk a bit more and she agrees to meet me at the airport before we hang up.

Thankfully my flight landed a bit early but Arin is already there waiting for me. She has a dress bag over her arm and shoves me towards the bathroom.

“Come on, come on, Mika’s wedding starts in an hour. You don’t have time to go back to my house.”

I quickly get changed and while I do my make-up Arin is doing something to my hair. I’m ready in record time.

Arriving at the church, I watch from behind a pillar as the groomsmen line up. When the bridesmaids line up, I slip into my spot behind them.

Jake has his back to me, so he doesn’t know I’m here. Even from the back I can tell he isn’t himself.

His posture is slumped, his suit makes him appear stunning but he wears it like he is attending a funeral instead of a wedding.

As we move up the aisle I hear several gasps of surprise when people recognize me. The groomsmen take their places and turn facing the guests.

I thought this was the moment Jake would see me but he keeps his eyes turned to the floor.

It takes Mac in his signature kilt nudging him in the side to get him to look up. The minute his eyes land on me, they widen in surprise. He steps out of place in the line running straight at me. Scooping me into his arms he swings me around in a circle, everyone is laughing.

“Jake, honey you gotta put me down so Mika and Atka can get married.” I tell him to the delight of the witnesses.

Reluctantly he sets me back on my feet and returns to his spot, but his eyes never leave me during the ceremony.

As soon as we exit the church Jake is back at my side.

“I didn’t think you were coming back? I mean I’m glad you’re back but you left.” He trips over his words.

“Promised Mika, I wouldn’t miss her wedding.” I shrug.

“Does that mean you’re leaving again?” Jake asks with almost panic.

“Nope. I had some things I needed to take care of, but now I’m home.”

His eyes light up when I use the word home. “Do you mean it?”

“Well, this guy that I’m in love with did give me a key to his house. So I was thinking maybe if he loves me back, I could move in and share his bed.”

To the delight of everyone around us instead of answering with words, Jake lifts me over his shoulder and dashes to his truck.

He lifts me into the passenger side before running around and getting behind the wheel. He reaches for the key but stops before he turns it on, “Welcome home Cassandra.”
