Page 13 of Snake's Fate

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“Sam, are you coming?” Skylar asks, carrying the bowl of popcorn to the couch.

“Yeah, I’m going to check on Mom first though. Go ahead and start the movie.” I answer, walking down the hallway.

Quietly, I open her door and peep inside. She’s still in the bed with the blanket pulled above her ears.

I wonder for a minute if I should wake her up but think better of it after the way she yelled at us again this morning when we asked if she was getting up.

Closing the door once more, I walk back into the living room and find my sister trying to hog the couch and popcorn.

“Share the popcorn this time, Sky! Put it in the middle between us.” I sit down and grab a handful when she slides it over.

“Mom still asleep?” She asks and I shake my head in answer.

“This doesn’t look good.” Sky says and I look over at her.

“What?” I ask.

“She’s never stayed in bed this long.” Sky puts a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

“Maybe it’s just now hitting her hard that Daddy is gone and misses him.”

“We miss him too.” She rolls her eyes.

“Sure but maybe it’s different when you’re married to them.” I shrug.

“I remembered something the other day.” I raise my brows at her, waiting. “Do you remember like a year or something ago when Daddy had to come get us from the school?”

“He came to get us a lot, Sky.” I roll my eyes at her.

“The time I broke that dweebs nose for pushing you down in the mud.” We both start to giggle at the memory.

“I remember. He never tried that again. But what about that day?”

“Daddy was on the phone with someone, telling them about us. When he got off the phone, I asked him who that was and he said it was someone important to us all. Do you remember?” She asks.

“Yeah and I asked how they were important.” I answer, turning fully to look at my sister.

“Yes. Then Daddy said that some daddy’s are daddy’s without even knowing.”

“I remember that now because you and I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about. Have you finally figured out what he meant?”

“No. I don’t know why I remembered it.” She shrugs. “It just popped into my head. It was a good day to remember though because Daddy took us to get ice cream.”

“Mom didn’t think it was a good day. She grounded us from the T.V. for two whole weeks for getting suspended.”

“It was a good day with Daddy, though.” She sighs.

“Yes, it was.”

Scooting over closer to my sister, I put my arm around her as we finish the movie in front of us about a wild horse a young girl tames.

Mom just needs a few more days and she’ll get up. I just know I don’t like seeing her so sad. When Daddy first passed away, she stayed in bed around two days when Grandma finally made her get up every day.

Maybe Grandma is who she needs. She could make her get up. That’s her mom and all kids answer to their mom.


I spend the next several days talking back and forth with the Nighthowler’s Motorcycle Club President, Reaper. He also happens to be my Prez’s brother in law.
