Page 27 of Snake's Fate

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“You’re going to be the death of me woman!”

Giggling down the hall, I feel slightly better than I did when I woke up. As soon as he leaves though, I need to go to the store.

I need to know as soon as possible to give myself time to get used to the idea if it’s true. If it’s not true, then the sooner I know, the less I can worry about it.

There’s enough to worry about. Like telling a man he’s the father of twin girls that are already almost twelve years old.

Chapter 7


I’m finishing up somelaundry as I wait for my mom to get here. She called me the same day that Gabe left to let me know she was flying out for a visit.

Her phone call couldn’t have come at a better time quite frankly.

I had just walked out of the bathroom from taking that stupid little test when the phone rang.

I answered it automatically and as soon as I heard her voice, I broke down crying hysterically.

She was able to calm me down but I still couldn’t bring myself to say what was going on. My mind was a complete mess so she told me to just wait until she got here to tell her everything.

After that, I've been on autopilot, keeping myself busy with household chores and even planting the garden beds outside.

Anything to keep my mind off those two pink lines that I threw into the back of the cabinet to keep me from seeing it again although it’s burned into my brain.

At this rate, the entire yard will be overrun with flowers and the house will be completely germ free. Not that I’m against either of those things.

I know the second she pulls up as I hear the girls yelling from the yard. She insisted that she would rent a car at the airport instead of me driving to pick her up.

Walking to the front door, I watch as she hugs both of the girls and tell them how big they’ve gotten since the last time she saw them even though it’s not really been that long, both the girls grin at the thought of getting taller.

“Andi!” She smiles, walking straight to me as I step outside and hugging me tight.

I do my best to not burst into tears while the girls are watching. Here lately, they both have been pretty keen on calling Gabe to let him know anything and everything.

Little tattle tails. I had a very hard time hiding the pregnancy test at the store earlier.
