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Delightfully, that wasn’t fear spiking her scent as she stared up at me. Her cheeks were red hot and my gaze followed the movement down her neck as she swallowed.

Would she do it?

“Okay,” she whispered. “I'm in.”



Adrenaline was pumping through my veins long before Umbra gave me the go. I stood absolutely tense, staring through the open door to his room.

I’d confirmed every rule. All I had to do was touch the front door before he caught me. Then he would open it and let me out. No scent blockers, no nothing.


My mates.

I was sure he’d gone mad. Maybe he’d huffed my poisonous omega scent one too many times. Uncle had never warned me that it might make alphas stupid, but then we hadn’t really done many tests after Tom had attacked me. Maybe Umbra wasn’t immune to it at all, it was just melting his brain a little at a time.

I took a deep breath.

Hallway, staircase, and then back across the kitchen and living room to the front doorway that was a floor below us.

I knewI could make it. I was quick, always had been, and I’d get down the spiral stairs with more ease than his huge build. He thought his aura would help him—and it would with speed, but no way Umbra could make sharp turns at speed. I’d win on the stairs no matter how strong he was. Five seconds, and I’d already be half way across the living room on the main floor.

I dared one last glance back at him, heart thundering in my chest. He seemed to be waiting, because that was the moment he hit the timer on his phone and said, “Go.”

Stifling my curse, I launched myself into the fastest run of my life. I reached the doorway, seizing it and throwing myself down the hallway. I couldn’t stumble, not once.

I’d make it.

My mates.

They were in reach.

I reached the stairs and flew down them, hair wild behind me as I took them by threes. When I reached the bottom, I hadn’t even heard the first footstep on the balcony above. Then I was out in the living room.

Dusk was there.

Burying a wild laugh at what he was about to witness, I dived toward the front door. I dodged the kitchen island, hip slamming into the couch. I ignored the pain.

The front door was ahead.

Five steps away, and I still hadn't even heard Umbra.

Four steps.

Three steps.

There was a creak on the balcony.


He’d only just started.

I’d won.

I didn’t look up, even as an aura split the air.
