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I let out a breath, still dazed from the lingering hormones she was shedding. That heat hormone poison bomb had been something else.

If Dusk hadn’t signalled absolute control down the bond the moment it happened, I would have lost myself. Deadly nightshade had turned to knives, a poison that could cut to the heart and burn a weak mind in moments.

Dusk had made the right call with the pill. She had a long way to go with us and with Ransom—even if she didn’t realise that yet.

A heat with the complication of her stupid mates… I couldn’t see it not breaking her.

I hadn’t been lying, Iwantedher heat, but this was our first time. It should be special. I was going to make it a night she would never forget—would neverwantto forget.

“Your heats belong to you,” I murmured. “You’re already giving us a dream.”

That was the truth. In here, I was drowned in her nightshade. It was dangerous and familiar and freeing. An old friend.

She had no idea the beauty she held. She was the poison, beautiful only to those who were meant to see it. Deadly to anyone else.

My poison.

My freedom.

It seeped into the air of the room we’d been trapped in.

A new trial with new tricks. More ways to break me.

I wasn’t prepared for this one.

As the poison sank its claws in, a paranoia whispered into my mind. Every time I looked at Dusk I knew the truth: it was him or me.

The realisation set in, slow at first, until I knew it down to my bones, until the whisper grew to a shriek, a bet, a promise, something impossible to ignore. My pulse was erratic, fingers shaking.

It was happening to him too, pupils constricting as he stared at me with those piercing yellow eyes.

An alpha. An enemy.

I shook myself.


The poison…

That was Dusk before me; a man I was supposed to protect.

Even now, I had to kill him or I would die…

Dusk staggered to his feet, chest heaving, something feral in his eyes, and I tensed, all my instinct telling me to match him.

He was going to kill me.

The world spun, the white room and metal beds all swaying until he was all I could see, stepping toward me, terror etched across his face.

But… I was all he had left.

I loosed a breath as I found my peace at last.

Truth and freedom.

To die, I thought, would be okay.

Better to die than to fail again. Better to die than be the one left behind.
