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Dusk’s words dumped a bucket of ice water over my head—if only for a second. I looked back to Umbra.

“But…?” I could barely find my words. “The game.”

Umbra narrowed his eyes, clearing his throat. He looked strained, even though his voice was back to its usual lightness. “I’m going to play with you all night long,” he told me, pressing a kiss to my temple. “But if you’re in heat then you’ll be the one playing with me. That’s not what I had planned.”

“You don’twantme?”

Why was I saying that? It didn’t even make sense. He literally just said he did.

But… he didn’t want me in heat?

Why were tears tumbling down my cheeks?

“If you don’t want it, Gem, don’t take it, but decide.” Dusk’s voice was low. “I’m about twenty seconds away from chucking every pill like it down the sink and fucking you in to next Tuesday.”


I looked down and realised he was holding a small wrapped foil between two fingers.

To… to put my heat off, I realised much too slowly. I knew it gave most omegas a month or two. For me, it would just get rid of my heat indefinitely. Or until I was back here again with my stupid hormones.



They would fuck me if Ireallyneeded it.

At the option, rational thought flooded back, and I grabbed it from him, peeling back the wrapper, relief hitting my blood like a jet of frigid water into hot springs. So much so I didn’t even have time to linger on how much I hated drugs like this, choosing the fridge over them whenever I could.

There was no fridge anymore.

My breathing eased, and for a moment, before the pill dissolved on my tongue, I thought of my mates. With blood like lava and hormones burning my brain to the ground, I thought reminding myself of them would bring me a sense of control, or drive like it usually did. What if I had everything I had right now, but with them?

Instead, I felt uncomfortable.

Because of what Eric had said?

But I’d also never had an alpha during heat before. It was a worrying idea. Of all the ways my fucked up hormones might make it weird, or off, or not like it should be.

That was probably it.

Isank against Umbra, holding him tight so I didn't have to look back at them as I waited for the pill to kick in.



Post heat scare, Shatter was different.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, clutching me. The only time I’d caught a spike of fear in her scent, was at the threat of heat. I didn’t miss that.

Right now, she seemed nothing short of shell-shocked.

Once my knot released her, I bundled her up in my arms and carried her to her nest.

The first part—the part we’d just done–was important. The part where I shared with Dusk. But now I wantedmyomega nest time.

“I don’t understand,” she whispered as I sat down on her bed.
