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I was panting as I returned to hauling him by the chest, but he was almost there.

How would Roxy do this?

No way had she looked inelegant a day in her life.

I thought wildly of the Sleeping Beauty movie that Aunty Lauren chose one night, where the cartoon fairies had waved their wands and all the stuff had bobbed through the air to where it was supposed to go.

That’swhat Roxy would do.

Shedefinitelywouldn’t crab squat over her alpha, grunting like a pig in labour as she sweat to her ass cheeks?—


Oh shit!

I let out a whine of horror, dropping Umbra instantly and diving for his poor head that had just rammed into the wall.


Not bleeding.

Not bleeding.

What if he was bleeding inside? How would I know? I cradled his head, panic returning.

I couldn’t save him and then accidentally kill him.

It would be okay.

I just had to tuck him in.

I made a proper nest around him, occasionally dragging his eyelid open and checking if his pupils had changed size. That’s what people did when someone hurt their head, right?

When I was sure he was going to live, I took a step back, examining my work and fanning myself with my hand.

Umbra was now entirely bundled in blankets and cradled in pillows.

It felt right.

I think it was enough to make him happy when he?—

I jumped violently at a loudBANG!from outside.

What was that?

Oh shit!

Dusk... He was still down there. What if his aura had become all crazy like Umbra’s? I was rushing toward the door in a moment, terror constricting my chest at the idea of stepping out onto the balcony and looking down to see him dead below.

He was right where I’d left him, but... I thought he was breathing.

I hurried down the spiral stairs and kneeled beside him.

Definitely breathing. Still out cold. There was a tremor in his hand, though. I leaned down and scent marked him, running purely on instinct and trying not to think about my mates right now. Fix this first, mates later.

His breathing calmed like Umbra’s had.

How long would he be out?
