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I’d done this before, and I could do it again. I’d thought today was the day they saw me, but I was wrong.I could survive a little longer.

I had to.

When I’d run away, I’d risked everything. Now the walls were closing in and I was out of options; Rookwood Academy was my last chance. It wasn’t just about reaching my mates. I was broken, and if I didn’t leave this academy with a bond, there was nothing waiting for me on the other side.



The sounds of the ball were faint echoes in my mind as Dusk led me through the room. I could get through this. I would give him and his pack what they wanted until their guards were down.

The scent of my mates faded behind me.

One step at a time.

One breath at a time.

I could do this.

I was trying so hard to keep calm that I barely noticed Dusk leading me out of the main room. Not until we were around the corner in a much quieter hallway.

He turned to me, snapping his fingers and grabbing my attention. I stared into his depraved eyes as he hooked his finger beneath my chin. “Where did you go?”

I fought my snarl, not wanting to even give him that. “You… you win,” I told him.

For now.

I grasped at the satisfaction I felt when his lips pursed at my words. “Don’t be so dull. You’ll bore Umbra out of his skull like this.”

He didn’t like compliance?

Fuck him.

“You should have chosen a more interesting omega then,Alpha.” I threw that last word in with perfect balance, watching his expression darken.

“I picked theonlyinteresting omega. Don’t disappoint Umbra. I promise he’s much worse to handle when he’s bored.”

A chill crept up my spine, but I didn’t flinch.

“Less than twenty-four hours,” he mused.

I watched him, not understanding what that meant but refusing to ask.

“Twenty-four hours, and I was going to find out who your perfect fated mates were, anyway. I’d almost believe you wanted my c?—”

He hadn’t finished when I reacted. My palm caught his cheek. A slice of pink left where my nails scraped his face.

My breathing hitched, dread crawling through my veins as he straightened. There was an unnerving smile on his face. “There she is,” he purred. “That’s the omega I claimed.”

“This necklace isn’t a claim.”

He smiled, reaching for it and running his touch along the chain. I tried to suppress a shiver, suddenly unable to look at him. “It is, Gem. It means you come home to keep us balanced, right?”

I clenched my jaw, refusing to answer that, even as he drew closer.

“You’ll be so good at that, right? That perfect little body of yours is going to be so good at keeping us balanced.”

I felt the blood drain from my face, and all I could manage was a shake of my head.
