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His laugh was low. “I’m looking forward to all the ways I’m going to play with you.” His fingers lifted from my necklace, closing around my chin, trying to get me to look up at him, so I squeezed my eyes shut. “I’m going to get you so addicted to my cock that you’ll never even think of them again.”

I shuddered at those words but still refused to look at him.

“And…” Dusk went on. “When you come home with us tonight, you’ll get to see the nest that we built for you.” My eyes snapped open, and it was a cruel trick of nature that the fragile, wounded part of me lifted its head in interest.

They had a nest… for me?


It was all my omega brain could focus on. It wasn’t a given that chosen omegas would get a nest. Many packs waited until they were sure the omega was a good fit first, not wanting to risk attachment.

By the way his smile curved further, I knew he could see my desperation. It was hard to rid myself of it. My heart was pounding, and the arid wasteland where my omega instincts bloomed once upon a forgotten time, stirred.

“You like that?” He leaned close, hand dropping to my neck, cupping it.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. My lips parted as I tried to unscramble my brain. His hand closed tighter around my throat as he spoke, his low voice a seductive purr. “A nest all of your own?”

A faint, traitorous half whine slipped out, stifled in an instant but impossible to miss.

He smiled. “You get it,ifyou behave for me.”

“I won’t be your pet.” I tried to hold on to the conviction that the nest didn’t matter. Not from him.

“You forget what I have on you.”

“The cost of that secret is a dark bond,” I spat. “I’ll only listen if what you offer is better.”

Dusk chuckled, and when his fingers clamped down on my neck again, my veins lit like fireworks. I squeezed my eyes shut as his lips brushed my cheek. “My offer will always be better.”

He let me go, slipping his arm around mine, indicating he wanted to return to the main room. Before he took a step, I asked the question that had nagged at me all night. “W-why didn’t you dark bond me?”


He would have it by now, and no one would have blinked twice once it came out that my eyes were golden.

Dusk’s smile was unnervingly genuine. “I won’t bond you until youbegfor my teeth on your neck.”

Beg him?

He couldn’t be serious.

He began leading me back to the main ball, a smirk on his lips for the vicious expression on my face.

“I can walk by myself,” I hissed, fingers gripping his arm, but not daring more.

He didn’t let go as he wove through the crowd toward his table. “I’m helping. If you did something stupid to make a scene, you’d be racking up even more punishment that your uptight, little omega ass doesn’t want to pay.”


I barely had time to linger on that because we arrived at his pack’s table. It was far more empty than any of the others. Only one alpha waited for us, and Umbra Varis had his gaze locked on me as I approached.

Like Dusk, he was devastatingly attractive, which was a stupid decision from the universe. He had rich tanned skin and sandy blond hair that was trimmed at the sides with a few messy strands sweeping to his brows. His eyes were a warm grey, like a desert storm, and almost matched his hair. He was big, even for an alpha. I knew he’d tower over me if he stood, and the cream-coloured T-shirt he wore did nothing to hide the muscles beneath.

Dusk slid into a seat two over, which was an obvious hint that he wanted me between them. I stepped, instead, toward the seat on the other side of Umbra—and as far from Dusk as I could get away with.

Umbra snorted. His eyes were trained on me intently. “Well, shit…” he said.

I swallowed, peering up at him, unsure what to make of that.
