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The Kingsman pack had an omega so soon, and I was a spectacle. Attention snagged on me, and I tried to ignore it. Worse was how hard I struggled to keep my gaze from the Lincoln table. The one time I failed, I spotted a small crowd circling. Gareth and Eric were basking in the attention, but Flynn was leaning back in his seat and our gazes met.

My heart leaped in my chest, and for the longest moment, I couldn’t take my eyes from his. Then I jumped violently at the scrape of a chair, and looked around to see Umbra getting to his feet, announcing he was getting dessert.

I still hadn’t eaten despite the snacks scattered across the table and my empty plate. More servers were arriving to take some of the plates of food away.

My mind was so far from food, though, instead stumbling over the what ifs of the week to come.

What would they expect of me?

Would they expect anything at all, or would all three of them be like Dusk, willing to take whatever they wanted as if I didn’t matter?

I hadn’t seen enough of Umbra to get a read on him, but he hadn’t touched me yet, which set him a mile apart from Dusk. He was odd, though, and whenever I’d shoot him a glance, I’d catch him watching me. He wasn’t leering, but his attention did make me feel like prey.

My thoughts cut off as Dusk stood, and, to my irritation, slid into Umbra’s vacated seat beside me. Then he began forking food onto my plate before the remaining food could be taken away. As if I was a child.

Or maybe just…hisomega…?

I shoved the thought back and caught his wrist as he tried to pass me a bite-sized meat pie.


He snorted, tugging my grip free and continuing to dole me out food.

“Don’t then. Let me take a little more from you, and go to bed hungry.”

“Ihateyou,” I hissed.

“It’s hot. Keep it up.”

The childish part of me wanted to get up and move over to his previous seat, but he might just follow me again since he’d already shown he wasn’t above that.

Maybe it would be worth it, though, for the simple spectacle of the Kingsman pack playing musical chairs with their omega on the night of the choosing.


I got to my feet, decision made.

Let them all know how much I despised these men.

But Dusk didn’t follow me when I sat down in his old chair. Instead, he dug his fork into the food on my plate and began eating, entirely unperturbed.

I tried to ignore it, but the rest of the plates on the table were gone now. It was the only food left, and I couldn’t stop his irritating words from floating into my head.

“…Let me take a little more from you…”

And it was as if, with each bite, he was. I didn’t evenwantthe food, but then he’d made it mine, and now he was stealing it. A growl threatened to come up my throat. I shoved it down, forcing my attention away.

He was being loud about stealing my goddamned food, his fork clinking on the plate each time, grating at my fucking sanity.

Finally, unable to stand the infuriating smirk on his face, I reached over and snatched the plate back—just as Umbra arrived.

“What the fuck’s going on?” Umbra slid into the empty chair beside me. He set down a plate stacked with desserts.

“Couldn’t wait for them to serve it?” Dusk asked him.

“Doyouwant to stick around longer than we have to?”

“Guess not.” Dusk was glancing about the room dispassionately.
