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Sender: [email protected]

Done. Not registered. Doesn’t exist at all as far as I can tell, but a more detailed face rec will take longer. Want me to go ahead with that?

The rest is sorted.Originals look like they were done by a six-year-old.

The exam results though, don’t know where those came from. They’re even stricter on those than the application documents. I doubt she’d have got in at all without them.

If she paid someone, fucking fire them.

I snorted, sifting quickly through the documents I’d been sent.

Then I replied to the email, giving them the go ahead to try and uncover who she really was. She didn’t exist in the system at all? That didn’t sound right. I needed to know more about her. I’d give them Shatter’s scent, too, the moment I had it, in case it helped identify her.

It wasn’t just her application. There would be documents on their way in the mail too, an omega registration card—and she wasn’t listed as gold pack. Bank account. Passport. Even a forged resume with a full work history.

With my nerves finally settled, I drafted another email, this time to the Dean.

[email protected]

Run the check again. There was an error with submission. Everything should be fine.

Shatter was fucking lucky.

She’d somehow found legitimate paperwork, though she’d imposed her own identity on top of it poorly. The process for applying omegas wasn’t nearly as strict as it was once they got approved for a pack—then the school enrolled them officially.

No. She wasn’t lucky. She’d just believed that by now, her fated mates would have found her and cleaned up this mess.

That was… desperate. Foolish.


But I already knew she was those things. This—this was beyond that. It was a level of vulnerability that made rage burn my throat.

No one deserved to live like that. I knew that firsthand. I’d been where she was—both me and Umbra. Something as foul as that wouldn’t interrupt our pack’s courting of her. I wouldn’t fucking allow it.

But what I wanted to know, was where had she come from that she had so fucking little?

My meeting with the Dean had been twenty minutes, and the emails had taken another ten.

I stepped off the main pathway and looped around the student housing building. I scaled the fire escape on the outer wall, the view of which was mostly obscured by a large oak tree.

Once on the right floor from the fire escape, I tugged out my key, unlocking and quietly slipping through the window to my bedroom. I made sure I was perfectly silent as I crossed to my bathroom and grabbed a scent dampening spray.

I had a nagging feeling that if I returned back early, I might find something... special.

Of course, I was right.

I was just stepping from my bathroom to hide behind the curtain, when I spotted movement. The door of my closet creaked open. I shifted back behind the door so I could watch.

I grinned as Shatter padded out.

She wassnooping.

Quite thoroughly, bless. She’d even found the blue butterfly clip in my top drawer. The one she’d left behind when she’d stolen from me—the very thing that had led me right to her.

She examined it for a while, a tight expression on her face. She swore to herself and stuffed it into her pocket before rooting through more drawers.

That was good. One, because it showed self-preservation, and two because it meant she was curious about me.
