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If there were bright spots, it was a fluke. She was a damned big bright spot, though. A shooting star, sailing by.

She’d been startlingly unafraid since I’d surfaced. She’d washed the blood off and cleaned my wounds with careful focus, smacking my hand away with a growl anytime I tried to help.

She’d done a shit job, but it was worth it.

Then she’d waited, seated on my bed after I’d showered (and washed and covered the wounds again properly, since the shower undid it all anyway).

Right now, she was turning all my pillows to strange angles and tugging the blankets around my bed all wrong. Despite how fucking odd it all was, a purr threatened its way up my chest as I watched her work.

Never before had anyone ever slipped into that world that stole me away while I was paying my debts.

And yet, she just had.

Shewasa real life shooting star.

I’d have to take another look at payment plans if I really wanted to catch her in a net and keep her with me. But she couldn’t be a part of those payments like she just had. That didn’t makesense.

None of it made sense.

Dusk would tell me it was because my belief system was stupid. He was wrong, I just had to untangle it a bit more.

Could I pay for ShatterwithShatter’s help?

Would she even ever do that again?

“You aren’t sleeping with the knife.” Those words of hers broke the spiralling thoughts. I stared at her in shock. She was way too pretty to be saying such ugly things.

“I can’t sleep without it,” I said defensively.

“Put it on the side table.” She wassodemanding right now, and I kept just… doing what she asked before thinking about it, like she had an omega bark. There was a scowl on my face, and it was like wrenching a piece of my heart from my chest, but I dropped the knife on the side table.

“Inthe drawer.”

I clenched my jaw, but when I didn’t move, she clambered over me, ripped the drawer open and shoved it in. I stifled an unsettled whine.



She’d earned that. Paid in terror and goddamned risk. I’d leave the knife in the drawer, like she’d asked. She hadn’t specified for howlong. I could get it out once she was asleep.

I gotwhyshe was nervous about me having it, especially since unstable alpha cuddles were in the mix—and I was kind of bleeding on her still.

But that knife would never cut anyone else’s skin. Not ever. I’d rather slice my dick off than see that happen.

She settled back down beside me, much more focused on the drawer than the fact my arms were snaking around her waist and pulling her close.

If I had to say how she seemed, it might actually be… pleased.

Maybe even…smug?

And the way she kept looking at me was kind of intense.

And she kept ordering me about which was hot, but odd.


