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Had she… claimed me?

That wasn’t how this worked. I was the alpha. I claimed her. I was givinghercuddles.

Only, she was wrapping her legs around my waist, holding me more tightly than I was holding her. Not fair really, since I could easily break her if I squeezed too hard. Her fingers cupped my neck, thumb trailing up and down my skin. She nuzzled closer, brushing her head beneath my chin. Then she froze, drawing back, her eyes wide.

It took me a second to realise why.

“Did you just try to…scent markme?”

That made my cock so hard—not that she’d know. She was clinging to me like a koala and only to the top half of my body—and she was small enough that it worked.

But back to her wide-eyed horror that demanded instant fixing.

She couldn’t scent mark me, the drugs smothering her scent meant it was impossible.

She looked furious, and it was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. But then I thought that might be genuine panic in her eyes.

Letting me go, she turned her back on me, curling up into a cute little omega roll.

I paused, trying to figure that out. She was tense. I took her wrist in my fingers. Her pulse was going a trillion miles a minute, her breaths quiet but rapid.

Uh… “What happened?”

She curled up tighter.

“I’m going to sleep.” She sounded distraught, and I knew there was no way she’d be sleeping anytime soon.

“You could…” I cleared my throat. “Bite me?” That was another way omegas pissed on their territory, right? And it would open up a temporary bond between us, which meant I’d get to see how her crazy mind worked a little closer.

I wanted a bite. God, I might want her bite more than I wanted to sink my teeth intoherneck.

Her voice was muffled. “Thatwouldbe like cheating on them.”

I snorted. That was silly. “And scent marking me isn’t?”

“No. I don’t know. It just… seemed right.” There was a tremor in her voice with the next words, as if she didn’t believe them. “It’s good it didn’t work.”

There was a sudden, loudthumpthrough the walls, and she tensed in my arms. I froze, too, my pulse quickening.



“What was that?” she asked, peering back at me.

“Probably Dusk being a fucking idiot,” I lied.

I waited, unsure, but then there was silence. Finally, she turned to face me. She narrowed her eyes, analysing me all over again. That determination of hers was back. “You’re nervous.”

“I don’t get nervous.”

Well, I’d never been nervousbeforenow. But my knife was far away, and her eyes were liquid gold, swallowing me up entirely, still with that faint pout on her face that I didn’t know how to fix.

What the fuck did she expect?

She clearly didn’t believe me, because she was drawing me close. She tucked her head beneath my chin until her soft cheek was pressed against my chest, right next to the dressing of my fresh payment.

“You’re going to tell me when it’s gone,” she said.
