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“That’s okay, precious,” he murmured, and the object was gone. “I can do better.”

“N-no. Wait—!” But the blindfold was ripped away.

“It’s okay to admit it’s not enough.”

“I can,” I started. “I can make it work?—”

That was when I caught the faintest scent of sunflowers and sesame, as I saw what was in his hand.

Gareth’s pen.

Fury rose in my chest, along with a snarl. I tried to lunge for him even close as we were, but he held me back with ease, a grin on his face as he tucked the pen behind his ear, his other hand still holding me in place by my neck.

“Iam going to give you release.”

The words were a bath of ice, stuttering out whatever lust high the drugs he’d given me had swamped my brain with.


But then his fingers were right where the pen had been, dipping into me just enough to make me whimper.

“That’s already so much better, isn’t it?”

“Fuck… you.” I tried too hard to hold on to that hatred, but I was trembling for the release my body had been promised for too long.

“No,” I grit out. I threw my whole weight against his grip. He couldn’t take this from me. I didn’t care what he’d drugged me with.

His laugh was low, and then he reached for his jeans.

Panic speared my system, and I tried to dive away from him. He didn’t even need his aura to pin me to the bed as he tugged his jeans off. It didn’t matter that I tried to claw at him with all my might. Then he dragged me back to straddle his lap.

“N-no!” All my instincts broke loose, every fear that I could have given everything I’d given to get here, only to see him rip it away so quickly. “I hate you!” I spat. “I fucking hate you!”

“Hear this promise, Gem.” His voice was a low growl, and his next words sent a chill soul deep. “I will give you everything you’re too broken to ask for.”

How… dare he.A furious snarl rose in my chest. My nails clawed at his flesh, furious at his words, and useless.“Don’t?—”

His hand squeezed my neck as he pressed into me, stretching me far more than anything before. The sound I made was pathetic, but the worst part was how it set fire to every nerve in my body.

He’d planned it this way. Drugging me and teasing me until there was no other response I was capable of giving. And it was overwhelming, with more stars of bliss shooting through my system as I drove my nails deeper into his flesh. None of it made a difference for how he dragged my body over his length with such ease. He barely blinked, catching my hand in his teeth as I clawed at his face and driving into me with a jarring force that made me whine.

Then he fucked me slowly, letting each thrust set my nerves on fire, getting the most horrible whimpers from my chest, half grief, half burning stupid need.

“Fuck, Gem…” I swear there was a tremor in his grip as he dragged me over him the next time. “You’re more than I could ever fucking dream of.”

His grip tightened on my neck as he began fucking me with more speed. He was everywhere. He was everything in the world right now. Bright yellow eyes, pupils dilated with want, lip caught in his teeth as he groaned.

“You’re a fragment of heaven, Shatter,” he breathed. “Changing us in ways you have no right to.”

I didn’t know what that meant.

He lifted me, shaft still deep in my core, and positioned himself above me so my back was to the sheets. I squeezed my eyes shut.

“You’re special,” he told me. “No one—no omega—has ever been able to get through to Umbra before,” he breathed. My eyes snapped open, and I met his gaze. “No omega has ever caught our eye.”

My lipsparted as I stared at him.

