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How long had it been there?

It didn’t matter.

Stale old fries might as well have been gold when I was this starved.



Shatter had been in her nest all day and all night.

I didn’t mind; the more she staked claim in our territory, the better. Space was good for the moment. Let her get comfortable with the nest, let her accept what had happened.

I had more than my wildest fantasies could ever have accounted for. That was how beautiful she was: one night, and I had enough memories to keep me going for a lifetime.

My dreams had been a rare shade of sweet, and I kept waking, thinking she was still in my arms. A little omega lynx, purring up against my chest with a scent deadly enough to match my pack.

Unfortunately, classes officially started tomorrow, which meant I’d have to go back to hiding that unbelievable scent. I wasn’t ready for her scum mates to realise what I’d taken from them.

I had, however, given her scent to Umbra. He’d been in the kitchen when I returned last night,Breaking Badplaying on the TV before empty couches.

The pillowcase she’d scent marked had been in my fist.

Umbra lowered a sandwich dripping with honey and gave me alook. He obviously knew what happened. We didn’t close the bond down, not ever. And it wasn’t like what I’d experienced was comparable to anything routine in this pack.

“She’s in the nest,” I said, keeping my voice even.

He nodded slowly, not answering.

“And pissed.” Well... She would be when she recovered.

He nodded again, gaze dropping to the black fabric in my hands. “Is that...?”

“Her scent.”

He narrowed his eyes, unsure. “And...?”

I just shook my head, knowing there was no possible way to explain it. Instead, I balled the pillowcase up and tossed it to him. He caught it, and for a brief instant the scent didn’t catch up. Then he froze, a storm slamming in from his end of the bond, a wave of seething, clawing agony—and then it was gone.

“You’re not... messing with me?” he asked, his voice rough.


He stared at the pillowcase in his fist, his pupils returning to normal size from full constriction.

One long moment passed, and he barked a laugh.With a grin on his face, he tucked it under his arm and went to his room, abandoning his half-finished honey sandwich.

He’d returned it to me in the morning with wolfsbane and blood woven through her nightshade.Thatwas hot.

“I thought today...” He trailed off, his brows furrowed, not wanting to finish. “You know.” He glanced up at the door on the balcony hallway, the one beside his room.



My heart dropped like a rock.

“Yeah,” I replied, throat dry. I peered down at the pillowcase... He was saying I should take it?
