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Movie night?

I glanced around at the mountains of snack foods, and the pillows and blankets Umbra was arranging on the couch. The curtains were drawn, and the lights dim.

“All ordered in or microwaved by Umbra. I didn’t make an ounce of it,” Dusk said smugly, pressing a plate into my hands.

I stared over the bowls of chips, Pop Tarts, mozzarella sticks, nachos and more, my tummy rumbling.


“You won’t tell us what you like, so we’ll have to figure it out for ourselves. Plus, I heard you had a shit morning.”


Dusk tapped his nose without a word, nudging me toward the feast. I swallowed, far too tempted, but my cheeks were growing hotter at the mere memory of Omega Studies.

How much did he know?

“My morning wasfine,” I told him stubbornly.


“I hung out withRoxy Vasilli.”

“Yeh?” Dusk asked, expression amused. “The omega who took your mates?”

“She’s actually…” The words were harder to force out than I’d planned for. “Well. She isn’t what I expected.”

Dusk’s eyebrows lifted.

“She… she helped me.” If he had heard about this morning, I needed to set him straight. I couldn’t stand the idea of him and Umbra thinking I was an idiot, too. “I’m just a bit rusty at the whole… social thing is all, and she uh… bailed me out.”

“So she wants to be friends?” Umbra asked, joining us and grabbing his own plate.

I frowned, piling a few snacks onto mine. That’s what I was hoping for. Well… I mean… kind of. I’d wantedsomeoneto be my friend.

Just…Roxyhadn’t been the plan.

I took a seat on the couch, knowing I needed to eat and leave and not engage in any of this movie night stuff.

“She asked if I wanted to join her for Omega Study homework sessions after school starting next week,” I said, eyeing Dusk for a reaction.

Even with Roxy there, I’d been jittery for the rest of class. Dusk had been waiting for me outside of Omega Studies after class, treatment that had drawn more attention than I’d wanted. Still, I’d said a quick goodbye to Roxy and hurried over to him, for once grateful at the way his presence grabbed attention. It was the first time I hadn’t felt like the stares were followingmyevery move. “To get this straight,” he said, sitting on the couch at my side as Umbra took the armchair. “You want to hang out with the Lincoln pack omega?”

I swallowed. “It’ll just be in the building—downstairs. She booked a study room. No alphas allowed.”

“No alphas allowed?” Dusk chuckled. “Then I don’t see a problem.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Sure,” Dusk said, sounding far too amused.

“So… Roxy’s nice?” Umbra asked, and I didn't like the grin spreading across his face. The two of them exchanged a look that put me on edge.

I eyed him, unsure about his sincerity. Sarcasm was one of those things I struggled with, like I always had a hard time telling if people were lying. But Umbra was usually quite direct, so if there was a double meaning here, it was probably on Dusk.

“I suppose so,” I said cautiously.
