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Dusk let out a bark of laughter that made me want to stab him with my fork.

“So tell me, how is that going to fit into your grand schemes?” he asked.

I lowered my plate to my lap, glaring at them. “It doesn’tchangeanything.”

“No?” Fuck, he looked smug.


“No, no,” Dusk snorted. “I want to hear this. When you finally make your grand escape and get to your precious mates, how are you going to getSaintRoxy Vasilli out of the picture?”

“It’ll be fine.”

Could she stay, somehow?

It wasn’t that I was against double omega packs, but the situation was delicate… if they claimed me, she would probably be dropped. Her sponsorship wouldn’t be taken away, but it would look bad for her prospects.

But if they dropped her because they found their scent match…? That would be reasonable right?

People wouldn’t judge her for that.

I tapped my fork on my plate, then stopped at Umbra’s poorly concealed smirk.

But Roxy had fixed my hair in front of the whole class and stayed by my side. She hadn’t been judgemental, like I’d expected. Instead, she’d told me we could swap notes and offered after class study invites.

It was everything I’d wanted.


Except my mates were probably falling for her right now…

Crying wasn’t an option.

I sat in irritated silence and poked at my nachos, as Umbra picked an Apocalypse movie and pressed play, but when I stood to leave, Dusk’s hand circled my waist. “You’re staying for at least one movie.”

I thought of my nest desperately, but the dream didn’t hold quite the weight I wished it did. I’d been anxiously in my own head for the last few hours and I needed a distraction. I heard the dramatic intro music of the movie behind me, reminding me of the rare nights when I was invited to watch documentaries with Aunty Lauren and Uncle.

Sitting down, I made sure to put on a decently reluctant expression, so Dusk wouldn’t catch on to quite how much I wished to stay.

When the second movie began, I didn’t move, even though Dusk had tugged me under his arm. I heard the low rumble of a purr in his chest every time he felt me shift. Umbra had moved to the couch after the edge of jealousy in his harsh wolfsbane scent had become almost noxious. I’d caught the edge of a grin on Dusk’s lips when he’d dropped down at my other side.

I spent a whole second movie caught between the two of them. A purr rumbling on one side, Umbra’s fingers tapping gently along my arm on the other—anxiously, as if he couldn’t quite help himself.

It would almost be possible to convince myself thatthiswas… maybe what I wanted. Almost possible to believe they liked me being here—that I wasn’t a nuisance or a burden.

Only… they weren’t my mates.

It was hard to conjure the courage to speak when the end credits of the second movie began. “I should go to bed.”

I made to stand, but Dusk didn't let me, burying his face in my neck and hair. “You were so well behaved today, I think you deserve a reward.”

“Awhat?”I asked, trying to wriggle free, but instead found both of his arms sandwiching me against him.

“I could give you a rewardandUmbra a show.”

“No. No show.” I tried, again, to break his grip, but he was dragging me onto his lap to face him, reminding me starkly of how he’d claimed me the other night.

When he’d knotted me… Fuck. I shivered, shoving the thought away.
