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No. It didn’t fit, actually. The answer was pretty obvious: to beat Dusk into a pulp.

Notquitephilosophy level questions.

Itwasstrange that he was out here while fully chained. Dusk had installed metal strong enough to withstand alpha auras. Though now I was thinking about it, it wasn’t as reliable as those alpha hooks that could be buried deep in the ground. This one had to be attached to the walls. I mean, intheory?—


I saw it now.

Thatwasthe wall of Ransom’s room that made up the pile of debris across the living room.

I sipped on my smoothie. “Heh.”

Ransom’s chains jammed again as he reached for Dusk, tangled like a dog’s leash across the couch, kitchen island, and bannister. Someone should probably take them off him. Bit of a task, really, since he looked ready to kill.

Only, then I felt his aura wane, and he sagged.

He crashed to his knees, a low whine in his chest. Dusk reacted instantly, diving for Ransom and pinning him to the ground.

Shatter hissed, scrambling toward them, her fists around Dusk’s neck as she tried to wrench him off.


“Shatter—” Dusk snarled. “He’s going to fucking hurt you if you’re not?—”

Ransom’s trembling growl ripped across the whole room and he threw his weight against Dusk, eyes wild. His aura was still waning, though, so nothing happened.

Oh wow.

Had heunderstoodDusk?

Shatter gave up trying to drag him from Ransom, instead scrambling to her feet and making for the kitchen. She hesitated for only a moment, fist around a knife handle as her eyes met mine.

Indigo Berry Blast burst to life on my taste buds as I offered her a wide grin. She paused only a moment longer, then seized the knife and darted away.

She liked knives, which was cute. She had a small switchblade she carried around in her school bag all the time. Dusk had found it the first time he’d gone scrunchie searching, and she’d had a fit at the suggestion we make her take it out.

“Let go of him.” She shoved the knife against his throat. I cocked my head, erection raging as Dusk froze.

“What would your mates say if they could see you now, Gem?” he asked, voice a taunt, rather unphased considering there was a blade to his throat.

What I wouldn’t give to trade places with him right now. My eyes snagged on the way her delicate fingers locked in his hair. So demanding…

“He’smine,” she hissed. “I’m taking him to my nest.”


Ransomgot an invite to her nest that quickly—after everything I’d done to get one?

Thatwas all it took?

I was crossing the room in an instant and sitting on the ottoman beside them. “Nightshade.” I tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, and her eyes darted to me defensively for a moment. “You should have just asked, I’d have done this for you on day one.”


I sighed.
